The rage in the United States menopause bitch bifurcated diplomatic Korea, Park Geun ( Park Ohakune ) President
◆ voice of anger gushes in the U.S. [ scoop ] Korea to the forefront " bifurcated diplomacy"
Advice of Secretary of State Kelly also be ignored ...
The United States , is reaching the limits of patience . In order to expand reach an extreme cunning applied to the two alternatives the United States and China to " bifurcated diplomacy" , South Korea , led by Park Geun ( Park Ohakune ) President , has continued " anti-Japanese propaganda ( conspiracy propaganda )" on as an excuse to avoid criticism 's . Than the White House , this anger is that strong in the Department of Defense responsible for the security of East Asia . Kaga Takahide Mr. journalist has hit the relationship officials in Japan and the United States .
" Korea is ! " Are you trying to break everything , Kakase a shame to the United States is . Ally voice of anger has erupted , yet draw the interest from United States and China openly among the military leaders and " the U.S. government has developed a bifurcated diplomacy . dotty " Pentagon officials old friend was spit this . I want to said, " ! Too late notice " as Japanese . It is the United States to be deceived by South Korea , has set up a monument and statue of comfort women throughout the country , but military leaders and government leaders were aware of the abnormality of Korea finally began to increase.
The 13th last week , there was this event in Seoul . After meeting with President Park , Yoon炳世and ( Yoon Byonse ) Foreign Minister , U.S. Secretary of State Kelly of visiting Korea in , started a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Yoon . Able to move forward . Korea-Japan ( in order to prevent the provocation of North Korea ) , " We need close cooperation of Japan and the United States and South Korea three countries is not caught in the past , in the national interest of the United States with a serious gaze Kerry is referred to as " come true , and urged the improvement of Japan-Korea relations .
On the other hand , " trust ought to face . Impaired history of leaders of Japan ( of historical issues ) revisionist behavior if this continues ," said Japan continued to criticism usual , Yoon said of Kerry I was completely ignored the advice . Kelly said that in public , was a fool to Yoon per Ira , the expression had become steeper in a moment .
It's information below , got the United States government , Department of Defense from multiple parties . Read on Tokuto . The exact statement of " Kerry 's " put history behind them . " Some media translated the " white overcome the " history problem , but intense advised that " Nagase to . Water Forget the " past . True meaning it then it is ignored and the , face of the United States and Kerry became a complete ruin " meeting of Mr. Park and " Kelly said , was scheduled for 45 minutes initially , did as much as 40 minutes per hour of about 2 -fold . Mr. Park North Korea problem Sotchinoke , had to put the power to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and criticism comfort women issue . it and " not known at all to say that the United States , which leads to such anger . Asked the unreasonable demand by threatening the United States to be " 'll take " China implicitly , have a Japanese duster in collusion with China on the other hand . China aim is this , " South Korea Ya expansion of maritime rights and interests , such as the Senkaku Islands robbery , is used to crack the expansion of the US-Japan alliance , is to destabilize East Asia . Korea is the very cancer of East Asia . If so continue to this bifurcated diplomacy , is a day that United States and China is referred to as a " traitor " and Korea I always come "
U.S. expire also it's natural . By the way, if I added that in the comfort women issue , starting with the wrong part of the media from the article (? Was forged ), this problem , the Korean Peninsula from woman of about 20 million people as sex slaves " Imperial Japanese Army in Korea there is no objective evidence indicating the abduction claim , and that " was forcibly taken away .
Photo: the medium -to- snuggle by South Korea , the U.S. military put up with some limitations .
The 13th = ... is a subtle gap also between the in-炳世Foreign Minister of South Korea (left) and U.S. Secretary of State Kelly
Familiar unfair, unreasonable, quack Kuwana every day citizens think, I will continue to question. It is that it has been fed up time for our country of South Korea in recent years of business racketeering victim = "throw shit" is too, and we've lost we say we can silently for it. Whatever armed and polish the media literacy. It is the same as "livestock" to think in my head given the "information", chewing, if you can not examine.
以下、複数の米国政府、国防総省関係者から得た情報だ。とくとお読みいただきたい。「ケリー氏の正確な発言は『put history behind them』だ。一部メディアは『歴史問題を克服しろ』と訳したが、真意は『過去は忘れろ。水に流せ』という強烈な忠告だ。それを無視されて、ケリー氏や米国のメンツは丸つぶれになった」「ケリー氏と朴氏の会談は、当初45分の予定だったが、約2倍の1時間40分もやった。朴氏は北朝鮮問題そっちのけで、慰安婦問題や安倍晋三首相批判に力を入れていた。米国の言うことがまったく分かってない」そして、こんな怒りにつながる。「韓国は暗に『中国につくぞ』と米国を脅して無理難題を頼み、一方で中国と結託して日本叩きをしている。これが中国が狙う、尖閣諸島強奪などの海洋権益の拡大や、日米同盟の亀裂拡大に利用され、東アジアを不安定にしている。韓国こそ東アジアの癌だ。こんな二股外交を続けていれば、米中両国が韓国を『裏切り者』と呼ぶ日が必ずやってくる」
South Korea - South Korean protest = Takeshima problem throwing a lunch of "shit" in the Japanese Embassy
South Korea - South Korean protest = Takeshima problem throwing a lunch of "shit" in the Japanese Embassy
According to the United Daily News and the [current events] Seoul South Korea, the 19th morning, the Seoul
The Japanese embassy, I was filled with filth while man complained "our territory Dokdo (Takeshima)"
Throw the bag, it was overpowered a police officer.
Former District discussion of Seoul Koto man (69). One of the three bags were prepared
Threw from the main gate near the embassy, but that did not enter the site.
You've done in order to alert the "Japan. Tsushima also Dokdo's also our territory. Guy Japan
That said, "must apologize to reflect on the comfort women issue. Man misdemeanor
Be prosecuted by law violation, and was released to pay the fine. (2014/02/19-16: 51)
According to the United Daily News and the [current events] Seoul South Korea, the 19th morning, the Seoul
The Japanese embassy, I was filled with filth while man complained "our territory Dokdo (Takeshima)"
Throw the bag, it was overpowered a police officer.
Former District discussion of Seoul Koto man (69). One of the three bags were prepared
Threw from the main gate near the embassy, but that did not enter the site.
You've done in order to alert the "Japan. Tsushima also Dokdo's also our territory. Guy Japan
That said, "must apologize to reflect on the comfort women issue. Man misdemeanor
Be prosecuted by law violation, and was released to pay the fine. (2014/02/19-16: 51)
「仮面ライダー」の値札張り替え 容疑の50代警官処分"
왜 한국은 독도 탈취 한 독재자 이승만을 영웅으로 칭송 아닌가?
"이승만 · 한국 대통령"
지금까지 한국이 일본 영토 인 ' 다케시마' 를 불법 점거하고 더욱 대마도 까지 한국 령 인 것처럼 일본에 대해 고압 으로 「 허세 」 을 부어 지는 것은 " 한국 의 히틀러 」일 이승만 대통령 덕분 이 아닐까 ?
왜 그가 '영웅' 이 아닌가?
반일 교육 은 한국민에게 그의 공적을 가르치지 않았다 것인가 ?
왜 지금까지 일본이 한국 병합 하는 계기가 된 한국 통감부 · 이토 히로부미를 암살을 실행 한 테러리스트 안중근 은 영웅으로 칭송 하기 위하여 "한국 의 히틀러 」일 이승만 대통령은 칭송 아닌가?
왜 지금까지 고령화 " 원래 매춘부 = 위안부 ' 에 대해 당시 " 무서운 기억' 을 일부러 떠올리며 까지 ( 각색 해 ? ) , 미국 의 한국인을 짓고 달아 에서 " 위안부 동상 " 미국 전역 에 세워 까지 그들의 " 원래 매춘부 = 위안부 ' 을 칭송 하고 있는지 ? " 이용하고 있다"고 의역 하는 것이 좋다고 생각하지만 ? 원래 매춘부를 기리고 이승만 대통령은 칭송 하는 것은 우스운 이야기다.
왜 이승만 한국 대통령은 '영웅' 으로 칭송 아닌가?
일본 에서 보면 이승만은 마음대로 '이승만 라인 ' 이라 칭하고 다케시마를 불법 점거 하고 많은 일본 어선 을 나포 어민 을 학살 한 ' 야만적 인 독재자 " 에 불과하다.
한국인은 알고 있겠지 ?
이승만이 " 우리 동포 를 죽이고, 죽이고, 죽이고 댔다 학살자 " 임을 .
그것이 보도 연맹 사건 , 제주도 4.3 사건 , 국민 방위군 사건 의 대학살 = 홀로 코스트 이다.
이 자국민 학살 의 치부를 국민 의 기억 에서 " 제거 " 하기 위해 이승만 실각 후 정권은
" 불편한 사실 ' = 보도 연맹 사건 , 제주도 4.3 사건 , 국민 방위군 사건 을 " 삭제 "
" 편리한 사실 " = " 독도 불법 점거 · 이승만 라인 ' 의 기득권 상속 하는
극단적 인 반일 교육 정책을 취한 셈이다.
'이승만 라인'
이승만에 의한 보도 연맹 사건으로 학살 된 시체의 산
이승만에 의한 보도 연맹 사건으로 학살 된 쓰레기처럼 버려진 시체
이승만의 제주도 4.3 사건에서 학살 된 백골 화 된 시신
지금까지 한국이 일본 영토 인 ' 다케시마' 를 불법 점거하고 더욱 대마도 까지 한국 령 인 것처럼 일본에 대해 고압 으로 「 허세 」 을 부어 지는 것은 " 한국 의 히틀러 」일 이승만 대통령 덕분 이 아닐까 ?
왜 그가 '영웅' 이 아닌가?
반일 교육 은 한국민에게 그의 공적을 가르치지 않았다 것인가 ?
왜 지금까지 일본이 한국 병합 하는 계기가 된 한국 통감부 · 이토 히로부미를 암살을 실행 한 테러리스트 안중근 은 영웅으로 칭송 하기 위하여 "한국 의 히틀러 」일 이승만 대통령은 칭송 아닌가?
왜 지금까지 고령화 " 원래 매춘부 = 위안부 ' 에 대해 당시 " 무서운 기억' 을 일부러 떠올리며 까지 ( 각색 해 ? ) , 미국 의 한국인을 짓고 달아 에서 " 위안부 동상 " 미국 전역 에 세워 까지 그들의 " 원래 매춘부 = 위안부 ' 을 칭송 하고 있는지 ? " 이용하고 있다"고 의역 하는 것이 좋다고 생각하지만 ? 원래 매춘부를 기리고 이승만 대통령은 칭송 하는 것은 우스운 이야기다.
왜 이승만 한국 대통령은 '영웅' 으로 칭송 아닌가?
일본 에서 보면 이승만은 마음대로 '이승만 라인 ' 이라 칭하고 다케시마를 불법 점거 하고 많은 일본 어선 을 나포 어민 을 학살 한 ' 야만적 인 독재자 " 에 불과하다.
한국인은 알고 있겠지 ?
이승만이 " 우리 동포 를 죽이고, 죽이고, 죽이고 댔다 학살자 " 임을 .
그것이 보도 연맹 사건 , 제주도 4.3 사건 , 국민 방위군 사건 의 대학살 = 홀로 코스트 이다.
이 자국민 학살 의 치부를 국민 의 기억 에서 " 제거 " 하기 위해 이승만 실각 후 정권은
" 불편한 사실 ' = 보도 연맹 사건 , 제주도 4.3 사건 , 국민 방위군 사건 을 " 삭제 "
" 편리한 사실 " = " 독도 불법 점거 · 이승만 라인 ' 의 기득권 상속 하는
극단적 인 반일 교육 정책을 취한 셈이다.
'이승만 라인'
이승만에 의한 보도 연맹 사건으로 학살 된 시체의 산
이승만의 제주도 4.3 사건에서 학살 된 백골 화 된 시신
제이차 세계 대전 후 자국민 · 동포를 학살 한 것은 아시아에서는 이승만 · 마오 쩌둥 · 폴 포트이다. 그들의 "공적"은 생물학적으로 "동족상잔 = 카니발리즘 '에 불과하다.
나치 히틀러는 유태인을 학살했지만 자국 독일 국민까지 학살하지 않았다.
나치 히틀러는 유태인을 학살했지만 자국 독일 국민까지 학살하지 않았다.
Why South Korea Is not praised as a hero the dictator, Syngman Rhee was taken Takeshima?
"Syngman Rhee, President of South Korea"
To date , from being swollen the " bravado " with a high hand against Japan and South Korea is a territory until further Tsushima Korea is illegally occupying the Japanese territory a " Takeshima " The President Syngman Rhee and this " Hitler of Korea " is not it thanks to ?
Why , he will not " hero " ?
People in Korea , I wonder did not teach his achievements in the anti-Japanese education ?
And to honor as a hero terrorist depreciation multiple roots that ran the assassination Korea Tokan Office Ito Hirobumi became an opportunity for Japan to annexation of Korea to date , Why not praise the Syngman Rhee and President this " Hitler of South Korea ?"
Until reminded bother " abhorrent memory" at the time for the " former prostitute = comfort women" and aging until today ( and adaptation ?) , And to put cook Korean people of the United States why , " comfort women image" Do they honor the girls , a " former prostitute = comfort women" and to be built across the United States ? , Although I think those who paraphrase to be " taking advantage " is good ? Not praise the President Syngman Rhee in honor former prostitute 's a funny story .
Why not praised as a " hero " is Syngman Rhee , President of South Korea ?
Rhee is only a " barbaric dictator " which illegally occupy Takeshima in the name of " Syngman Rhee Line " on its own , was slaughtered fishermen seized a Japanese fishing boat many from the perspective of Japan .
Koreans would do know ?
Rhee is that it is a " massacre who killed my brethren , killing , and earnestly kill " .
It is a massacre = Holocaust Hoshirube Federation incident , four - three incident Jeju Island , the national defense forces incident .
In order from the storage of the Korean people to "delete" the private parts of these slaughter their own people , government of Syngman Rhee after the fall is ,
= Hoshirube Federation incident " inconvenient fact " , " Delete " four - three incident Jeju Island , the national defense forces incident ,
" In fact it is convenient " = of inheritance , of vested interests of " Takeshima illegal occupation , Syngman Rhee Line "
It is not took the extreme anti-Japanese education and policy .
"Syngman Rhee Line"
Mountain of corpses that were massacred in Hoshirube Federation incident by Syngman Rhee
Corpses were thrown away like garbage that has been slaughtered Hoshirube Federation incident by Syngman Rhee
Skeletal remains massacred in four incidents, three Jeju Island by Syngman Rhee
To date , from being swollen the " bravado " with a high hand against Japan and South Korea is a territory until further Tsushima Korea is illegally occupying the Japanese territory a " Takeshima " The President Syngman Rhee and this " Hitler of Korea " is not it thanks to ?
Why , he will not " hero " ?
People in Korea , I wonder did not teach his achievements in the anti-Japanese education ?
And to honor as a hero terrorist depreciation multiple roots that ran the assassination Korea Tokan Office Ito Hirobumi became an opportunity for Japan to annexation of Korea to date , Why not praise the Syngman Rhee and President this " Hitler of South Korea ?"
Until reminded bother " abhorrent memory" at the time for the " former prostitute = comfort women" and aging until today ( and adaptation ?) , And to put cook Korean people of the United States why , " comfort women image" Do they honor the girls , a " former prostitute = comfort women" and to be built across the United States ? , Although I think those who paraphrase to be " taking advantage " is good ? Not praise the President Syngman Rhee in honor former prostitute 's a funny story .
Why not praised as a " hero " is Syngman Rhee , President of South Korea ?
Rhee is only a " barbaric dictator " which illegally occupy Takeshima in the name of " Syngman Rhee Line " on its own , was slaughtered fishermen seized a Japanese fishing boat many from the perspective of Japan .
Koreans would do know ?
Rhee is that it is a " massacre who killed my brethren , killing , and earnestly kill " .
It is a massacre = Holocaust Hoshirube Federation incident , four - three incident Jeju Island , the national defense forces incident .
In order from the storage of the Korean people to "delete" the private parts of these slaughter their own people , government of Syngman Rhee after the fall is ,
= Hoshirube Federation incident " inconvenient fact " , " Delete " four - three incident Jeju Island , the national defense forces incident ,
" In fact it is convenient " = of inheritance , of vested interests of " Takeshima illegal occupation , Syngman Rhee Line "
It is not took the extreme anti-Japanese education and policy .
"Syngman Rhee Line"
Mountain of corpses that were massacred in Hoshirube Federation incident by Syngman Rhee
Skeletal remains massacred in four incidents, three Jeju Island by Syngman Rhee
After World War II, was to massacre their own people, brethren it is only Syngman Rhee, Mao, Pol Pot in Asia. It is not only " cannibalism" biologically their the "achievement".
Nazi Hitler was genocide of the Jews, but I did not slaughter until their German people.
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