
I spate of rebellion , terrorism of non-regular workers to companies from Japan , disposable low wages and use

Motive whatever the first act of they should be condemned by the law because it is a rule of law state this Japan .

But those who come out to " various action " for companies as " outlet for complaint " is coming appear in dissatisfaction accumulates as long as it is exploitation is low wages and disposable as convenient for a company called non-regular workers it is not funny also .

It may be a crisis of corporate survival led to enormous damage let fall the brand corporate credit as a result.

Exploit in bondage Treatment with low wages and status of regular and non- regular to the same " human to " risk " it would a " return " .

The What a suffering the consequences of companies , in a sense, is also a crime in the legal but would corporate image down and indication of a bright management were killed .

In the case that a bunch of wire is placed on the line in Hokkaido Hokuto day , contract employees Kijima Akira suspect working for subcontractors affiliate of JR Hokkaido on suspicion of fraudulent means obstruction of business Dokei (33) is = Nanae Sakura town = I was arrested . According to the affiliates , subcontractors are contracted to repair the rail business .

According to the Dokei , Kijima suspect that they testified that " I thought the rest would impact out to work diamond and disturbed " to investigate . 20 at around 5:00 am on September 30 , put a bunch of wire of about 160 cm long to line of JR Esashisen of Hokuto Sakuratai , arrest suspects such as delay the running of the express train is allowed to malfunction signal doubt you interfere with the business .
( Co- )

In the incident late at night on the 30th , was killed company executives and mountain road Ryo -san ( 36 ) in the metal processing company in Osaka Prefecture Matsubara City , one day and night , in China nationals unemployed Guo Rong Shigeru suspects a former employee 1 Division Police investigation ( 59 I was arrested on suspicion of murder the (Osaka Yao Kyuhoji ) ) .

Morning , Guo suspects appeared in Nara prefectural police station Nakayoshino in possession of a two shot live ammunition and one order revolver ,
That the statement "I was prompted to re- employment in the mountain road san refused , was shot with a gun " he said. In the presentation , Guo suspect doubt 35 minutes around 6:00 pm on the 30th , and shot one shot gun at the head of the mountain road 's on the second floor office company , was killed . Results of autopsy , the cause of death was intracranial injury caused by that was shot in the head right .

Guo suspect worked for about two years in the company , but was laid off in November last year . In the statement , visited the company in 30 days, was asked to meet with the president to the mountain road 's , but because the mountain road san did not respond , showed that for a handgun , is said to " dare to shoot - whatever able to shoot " in the mountain road 's , that was fired .
Consult an acquaintance man , Guo suspect then fled by car , appear . The statement " it is treated as " go back " to the mountain road 's , blood was up to the head " to examine both , eight years ago after arriving in Japan , were purchased from the Chinese , and that was carry for self-defense is handguns .

Women part-time employee of the company ( 68 ) was surprised , " was also that you do not follow the instructions of the Company ( Guo suspect ) , but we had to a gun No way " with the arrest of a former employee .

49 minute delivery ( Tuesday) 23 hours a day, Yomiuri Shimbun October

On the other hand Chinese  straight feelings
Projects management are killed in rural areas in the future , laden reality contradictory are exploited as a " disguised slave labor " in the treatment of trainees will appear one after another . And (laughs ) I will not get out of hand in the Japanese police anymore once made ​​even to riot in a group at the same time
Also I wonder if you take credit intercepted later You say to be protected the " security " with the help of hand yakuza ? Japanese police .








道警によると、貴島容疑者は調べに「ダイヤが乱れると仕事に影響が出て休みになると思った」と供述しているという。 逮捕容疑は9月30日午前5時20分ごろ、北斗市桜岱のJR江差線の線路に長さ約160センチの針金の束を置き、信号を誤作動させて特急列車の走行を遅らせるなど業務を妨害した疑い。

大阪府松原市の金属加工会社で30日深夜、同社役員・山道亮さん(36)が殺害された事件で、府警捜査1課は1日夜、 中国籍で元従業員の無職郭栄茂容疑者(59)(大阪府八尾市久宝寺)を殺人容疑で逮捕した。

「山道さんに再雇用を求めたが断られ、銃で撃った」と供述したという。  発表では、郭容疑者は30日午後6時35分頃、同社2階事務所で山道さんの頭を拳銃で1発撃ち、殺害した疑い。司法解剖の結果、死因は右側頭部を撃たれたことによる頭蓋内損傷だった。

 郭容疑者は同社で約2年間勤務したが、昨年11月に解雇されていた。供述では、30日に同社を訪れ、 山道さんに社長との面会を求めたが、山道さんが応じなかったため、拳銃を向けたところ、 山道さんに「撃てるものなら撃ってみろ」と言われ、発射したという。
 その後、車で逃走した郭容疑者は、知人男性に相談し、出頭。調べに「山道さんに『帰れ』とあしらわれ、 頭に血が上った」とも供述し、拳銃は来日後の8年前、中国人から購入し、護身用に持ち歩いていたという。


読売新聞 10月1日(火)23時49分配信



















Rape abnormal society a man to rape a man in Korea of national sport

Rape abnormal society a man to rape a man in Korea of national sport

Word is not found a loss for words ... what !

Was detained by police ( homeless ) man of the 50s was sexually assault a man of the same sex .

The 30th , Seoul Guro ( black) police station was sexually assault a man who was asleep and lying on the road in bad shape
Lee certain suspect for ( 51 years old) in ( Special Law violations of punishment , such as sexual assault crime ) suspicion of rape
Was revealed to have been detained .

According to the police , 30 at around 3:00 am, leaving the 20th , Lee suspects the north plaza before the Guro district Guro Seoul Station
A closer who was sleeping under the influence of drink on the road to ( Young Men ) , sexual assault to take off the underwear and pants
I have received a doubt that .

Lee suspects from the scene some environmental beautification employee who witnessed the crime is to restrain myself , and to report to the police
And fled , but was caught by the police who rushed after all .

A result of the investigation of police , some domicile of resident registration on Lee suspects , do not the homeless actually
That he had continued to live with while picking up waste paper has been found .

A police official said, " Mr. A was drunken state was of non- resistance in mind and body condition loss ," said
I said, " had fallen remains taking off underwear " .

Source : NAVER / Chosun Ilbo ( Korean )











Bank of Japan's regular trading as "Yakuza". To leave the loan of 200 million

Bank of Japan's regular trading as "Yakuza". To leave the loan of 200 million

The 27th, the FSA issued a business improvement order based on the Banking Act to Mizuho Bank.

Noting against antisocial forces gang colleagues, and was allowed to stand for more than two years while has a loan of 230 of more than 200 million yen, and clarification of accountability, and the creation of preventive measures against Mizuho Bank I asked and. While the elimination of anti-social forces is strong demand, criticism is likely to gather posture of Mizuho Bank.

The FSA noted that there was a problem loan in partnership loan credit company-mediated.

The Financial Services Agency (FSA) has asked such as supervision guidelines for banks, it does not deal with anti-social forces. It is necessary to eliminate the trade to know that there is a problem with the borrower, for example, seek repayment for the credit company.

However, loans to anti-social forces turned out in the Financial Services Agency inspection was performed on Mizuho Bank from December last year. Knowing that there was a deal with anti-social forces for more than two years, without taking the corresponding specific, officer in charge of compliance at Mizuho silver, to report the facts to the top management president from did not.

(21 minutes Yomiuri Shimbun 21:27 September 2013)