Familiar unfair, unreasonable, quack Kuwana every day citizens think, I will continue to question. It is that it has been fed up time for our country of South Korea in recent years of business racketeering victim = "throw shit" is too, and we've lost we say we can silently for it. Whatever armed and polish the media literacy. It is the same as "livestock" to think in my head given the "information", chewing, if you can not examine.
Korean list shook with fear the Japanese society of recent
. Overseas Courier indiscriminate murder. Sakamoto family lawyer bloodshed has said himself in the interview scoop. Incident before. Shukan Gendai referred to as the spread korean. Sarin Shoko Asahara Aum Shinrikyo guru →.
. 8 people killing 15 people killing of children Mamoru Takuma → Osaka Ikeda elementary school is minor and serious injuries. Koreans tribe from
. Killing two people. Based Koreans in Japan to decorate the school gate. Namakubi boy beheading of east Shinichiro → Shuki rose St. Doo. Kobe
. Naturalized citizen injured 63 people. 4 people poisoned curry incident Masumi Hayashi → Wakayama poisoned
Obara two rape Castle (St. gold bell) → Kanagawa naturalized citizen, the British Australian women, Filming, torso murder
Burned in drums and a stripped. Piece of meat killing. 4 people, dog lovers, serial killer Sekine original → Saitama, I flow to the river
Koreans in Japan several times a hill Saki Masato → Nara rock, was sacrificed by throwing the head of the girl
The killing with a knife to Kim Min Soo → Korean students robbery murderer. Oita Japanese elderly couple
Japan during the Japanese actress rape N in Tokyo for. Theater viewing Lee Dong Yi → Korean Mayumi country professor
The more than 100 continuous rape housewife in. Osaka Japan in purpose to escape wanted in the gold Yun planted → Korean rape
Death of the girl. Six rape Magic continuous child abuse assault murder of gold → Korean radish
Rape the girl 140 people volunteered participants "use a kid," Lee Shoichi → Korean TV Tokyo
Rape a nine invaded to the ladies room from one → Korean Tottori Osaka Wakayama veranda 沈週
Rape a girl of 4 years elementary school to be "looking for a cat together," Zhang this morning → Korean Nagano
Threatened Bae Horizonte → Korean Yokohama cutlery, to rape the 14 females elementary school
On the blindfold, to rape the 19 housewife in lingerie tied the hands and feet threatened Song Yue Osamu → Korean Tokyo knife
The wounds inflicted by the Korea University Niigata raw wooden sword of Choi Ji-Rong → North Korean, and rape in the car the two 18-year-old girl
Korea University of raw ditto Minoru → North Korean power gold, (Korean nationality) Yes accomplice of one person 19 years old anymore. Other accomplice
Cheng Ming analysis → Korean cult "providence" guru. 1,000 Japanese, 100 Taiwanese, rape and rice Anglo-French people
Stabbing prisoners self-styled right-wing (That guy also in Japan) of knifing Xu Hiroyuki → Korea nationals Aum NO2 executive Hideo Murai.
麻原彰晃 →オウム真理教教祖。サリンを撒き無差別殺人。坂本弁護士一家惨殺。海外新聞がkoreanと表記。週刊現代がスクープ。事件前の対談で自ら語っている。
宅間守 →大阪 池田小学校の児童殺傷。8人殺害 15人が重軽傷。朝鮮人部落出身
東慎一郎 →酒鬼薔薇聖斗。神戸の首切り小僧。生首を校門に飾る。2人殺害。元在日朝鮮人
林真須美 →和歌山 毒入りカレー事件。4人毒殺 63人が負傷。帰化人
織原城二(金聖鐘) →神奈川 帰化人、英国人 豪州人女性を強姦、ビデオ撮影、バラバラ殺人
関根元 →埼玉の愛犬家連続殺人犯。4人を殺害。肉片を削ぎとりドラム缶で焼却、川へ流す
丘崎誠人 →奈良 岩を数回、少女の頭部に投げつけて絶命させた 在日朝鮮人
キム・ミンス →韓国人留学生 強盗殺人犯。大分 日本人老夫婦を刃物で殺傷
李東逸 →韓国人 檀国大学教授。芝居観覧のため来日中、東京で日本人女優Nを強姦
金允植 →韓国人 強姦罪で指名手配中に逃亡目的で来日。大阪で主婦を100人以上連続強姦
金大根 →韓国人の強姦魔 連続児童虐待暴行殺人。6名の女児死亡
李昇一 →韓国人 東京 テレビ「ガキの使い」関係者を名乗り少女140人をレイプ
沈週一 →韓国人 鳥取 大阪 和歌山 ベランダから女性の部屋へ侵入し9人を強姦
張今朝 →韓国人 長野 「一緒に猫を探して」と小学校4年の女児をレイプ
ぺ・ソンテ →韓国人 横浜 刃物で脅し、女子小学生14人をレイプ
宋治悦 →韓国人 東京 ナイフで脅し手足を縛り下着で目隠しの上、主婦19人を強姦
崔智栄 →北朝鮮籍の朝鮮大学校生 新潟 木刀で傷を負わせ、18歳少女2人を車の中で強姦
金乗實 →北朝鮮籍の朝鮮大学校生 同上、共犯者。他にもう一人19歳の共犯者(朝鮮籍)あり
鄭明析 →韓国人 カルト「摂理」教祖。日本人1000人、台湾人100人、米英仏人などを強姦
徐裕行 →韓国籍 オウム真理教NO2幹部・村井秀夫(こいつも在日)刺殺事件の刺殺犯自称右翼。
ดูถูกและหัวเราะคิกคักจากโลก! การเปลี่ยนแปลงที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจของเกาหลีและ "ก่อน" "หลังจาก"
ประสิทธิภาพการทำงานของอัตราที่สามนี้ยังมีรูปลักษณ์ที่ชั้นแรก โดยทั่วไป "หน้าเกาหลี"
ญี่ปุ่นมีความทันสมัยเพื่อเพิ่มการลงทุนภาครัฐดังกล่าวสกปรกเกาหลี อัตราการรู้หนังสือของชาวเกาหลีได้ยกระดับของผลการศึกษาและการเพิ่มขึ้น
ประสิทธิภาพการทำงานของอัตราที่สามนี้ยังมีรูปลักษณ์ที่ชั้นแรก โดยทั่วไป "หน้าเกาหลี"
Презирать и хихикает от мира! Удивительные изменения Корея и "до", "после"
Япония аннексии Кореи до
Savage страны, антисанитарные грязные вонючие фигура Южной Корее было вассальное государство под властью династии Цин
Японии после аннексии
Японию из геополитических и военно важность освобождения Южную Корею из Японии Цин победы китайско-японской войны, и плацдармом России в Таиланд
Япония модернизированы для увеличения государственных инвестиций такие грязные Корее. Процент грамотных среди корейцев подняли уровень образования и увеличение результатов.
Ким Иона игроков фигурного катания от имени Южной Кореи
Третий курс производительность также первоклассный вид. Типичные "корейского лицо"
Лицо завершения строительства
Чтобы их лицо Это невозможно, если вы не порезаться даже действительно может приобрести деньги судье.
The despise and giggles from the world! Amazing changes of Korea and "before" the "after"
Japan annexation of Korea before
Savage country, unsanitary dirty smelly the figure of South Korea was a vassal state under the rule of the Qing Dynasty
Japan after annexation
Japan from geopolitical and military importance of the release South Korea from Japan by Qing victory of Sino-Japanese War, and bridgehead to Thailand Russia
Japan has modernized to increase the public investment such a dirty Korea. Literacy rate of Koreans have raised the level of education and increase results.
Kim Jonah players figure skating on behalf of South Korea
The third-rate performance is also a first-class looks. Typical "Korean face"
Face construction completion
To their face It is impossible if you do not cut yourself indeed even can acquire money referee.
세계에서 실소와 멸시! 한국의 '이전'과 '이후'의 놀라운 변화
일본 합병 전 한국
수상하고 더러운 · 비위생적 인 미개한 나라가 청나라 통치의 속국 인 한국의 모습
일본 합병 후
청일 전쟁의 일본 승리로 청으로부터 한국을 해방 대 러시아에 교두보라는 지정 학적 · 군사적 중요성에서 일본은
이런 더러운 한국을 일본은 공공 투자를 증대 근대화했습니다. 결과 한국인의 문해력은 상승 교육 수준을 끌어 올렸습니다.
한국을 대표하는 피겨 스케이팅의 김연아 선수
성능은 주요한에서도 보이는 삼류. 전형적인 '조선 얼굴 "
안면 공사 완료
심판은 돈으로 인수 할 수 있어도 자신의 얼굴까지 과연 자신을 깎지 않는 무리 네요.
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