
Korean spokesman rape incidents and time series

[Korean spokesman rape incidents and time series]
The plan of the rape (20 years old) female intern another Yun Chang Heavy (Yoon Chang-jung) spokesman, in the early hours of the 7th New York
Reviews you call on the grounds ※ ventilation system failure can not be rape interns away
(Insert attempted?) To call the hotel different from the accommodation Yun Chang Heavy spokesman planned to rape again 9:30 pm on the 7th, (Korean-American, college student 21 years of age) the intern in Washington, start the rape ※ The part that has been reported as "sexual harassment" in Japan
Intern that was called for in heavy spokesman Akira 00 minutes 10:00 pm the 7th (21-year-old college student), I run away from the room
(With witnesses) drunk state spokesman was back to the hotel accommodation of 5:00 am on the 8th
I call to the room again in rape purpose, interns (inserted attempted?) Fled Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman 7:00 am, in the middle of a rape (21-year-old college student) - 6:00 am on the 8th
Spokesman (the part that is exposed as a testimony of college student) (one order or pants) naked, request to college student sexual relationship
※ Description apprentice had come to where he was taking a shower Yoon Chang weight, (Newsletter)
※ It is the heart of rape cases that are reported outside of Japan
U.S. President Wa Dae official discovery intern (college student 21 years of age) from that Nakiharashi at 8:00 am event headquarters on the 8th,
Friend of this college student reported to the police.
※ What was crying because (how far was raped in-Akira weight, presence or absence of insertion)
Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman 8:00 am 8th breakfast meeting with Park Geun
Are asked spokesman from the U.S. President's Office officials who knew the rape incident, Park Geun-hye is in contact with the press secretary
※ Park Geun escape is involved? Core of which are said to. Yoon Chang weight stated to be involved
Return to the hotel in a hurry, Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman 9:00 am 8th leave the hotel to pack up
※ described as "to return home because his wife a sudden illness" initially leaving the majority of the other clothes
Two police officers of sexual crimes expert (escape after Yoon Chang weight) morning the 8th were dispatched, arriving in accommodation hotel of rape suspects, but Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman could not be found in the escape already.
I hear the situation (college student, 21 years) from intern to a victim.
Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman Airport arrival 9:50 am on the 8th, fled toward South Korea to purchase a $ 3,869 Korean Air business seat tickets for the 1:35 pm credit card personal
U.S. State Department requested a formal investigation cooperation against Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman for the rape suspect 4:00 pm on the 8th.















黒田 孝高(くろだ よしたか) / 黒田 如水(くろだ じょすい)は、戦国時代から江戸時代前期にかけての武将・大名。孝高は諱で、通称の官兵衛(かんべえ)や出家後の如水の号で有名である。豊臣秀吉の側近として仕え、調略や他大名との交渉などに活躍した。竹中重治(半兵衛)と双璧をなす秀吉の参謀であり、後世に「両兵衛」「二兵衛」と称された。キリシタン大名でもあった。子に黒田長政がいる。












 「大唐、南蛮、高麗え日本仁(日本人)を売遣候事曲事(くせごと = 犯罪)。付(つけたり)、日本におゐて人之売買停止之事。 右之条々、堅く停止せられおはんぬ、若違犯之族之あらば、忽厳科に処せらるべき者也。」(伊勢神宮文庫所蔵「御朱印師職古格」)

 日本人を奴隷として輸出する動きは、ポルトガル人がはじめて種子島に漂着した1540年代の終わり頃から早くもはじまったと考えられている。16世紀の後半には、ポルトガル本国や南米アルゼンチンにまでも日本人は送られるようになり、1582年(天正10年)ローマに派遣された有名な少年使節団の一行も、世界各地で多数の日本人が奴隷の身分に置かれている事実を目撃して驚愕している。「我が旅行の先々で、売られて奴隷の境涯に落ちた日本人を親しく見たときには、 こんな安い値で小家畜か駄獣かの様に(同胞の日本人を)手放す我が民族への激しい念に燃え立たざるを得なかった。」「全くだ。実際、我が民族中のあれほど多数の男女やら童男・童女が、世界中のあれほど様々な地域へあんなに安い値でさらっていって売りさばかれ、みじめな賤業に就くのを見て、憐 憫の情を催さない者があろうか。」といったやりとりが、使節団の会話録に残されている。この時期、黄海、インド洋航路に加えて、マニラとアカプルコを結ぶ太平洋の定期航路も、1560年代頃から奴隷貿易航路になっていたことが考えられる。



Vietnam War, South Korea rape, I do as much of the devil of slaughter

Hundreds of thousands of people also raped hundreds of thousands of people also also forced taking,, South Korea army was to "comfort women" as sex slaves Korean soldier in the Vietnam War.
The thing of children of mixed race who was born between the (women raped or) Vietnam comfort women and Korean soldiers as "Raitaihan".
The meaning of "two or more races scummy" and "Rye", Vietnam Yomide "Korea (South Korea)" of, has been discrimination as "children of Nikuki enemy" is "Most" in Vietnamese.

Raitaihan climb to 30 005 thousand people.
Is angry Korea Japan also was to comfort women and Korean women, are required to apology and compensation, but not the children like Raitaihan.

Background that resulted in 30 005 thousand people are also born Raitaihan.

"Vietnam War" (1960-1973)
South Korea military fought as mercenaries in the United States than in 1965, South Korean military troops 50 000 people maximum (total of 31 million people).
Genocide to the good civilians by South Korean troops marked.
About 82% of the mass slaughter of civilians, more than 300,000 by the South Korean military.

Number of rape and assault of women each, brutality by South Korea military or many, of massacres and torture by the South Korean military was reported every day by broadcasting of South Vietnam Liberation Front nation.
Most of the brutality of the Korean military than for elderly, women and children, after a collection in one place (elderly, women, children) the inhabitants, or in the shooting spree machine guns together in several groups eliminate.

1, after the shooting spree a gun to hunt down one door to the inhabitants, deaths and survivors also burn all along with the house.
2, shot dead by punching the head of the children who have gathered handing out candy.
3, if you turn off your feet or break the child's head, decapitated, and throw on the fire by cutting a limb.
4, to blow by dropping a grenade from Teue dropped to well women and children.
5, it is rape if you look at the woman, young women used as comfort women by force as it is taken.
With killing six women, other, pregnant women in the military boots stomp the fetus until torn from belly.
The choking death peppered the poison gas to hunt down the tunnel 7, the inhabitants.

1200 people "Taivu~in massacre" victims (1966.2.12 ~ 3.17)
South Korean troops massacred at least 1,200 citizens in Vietnam bottle Dinh.

380 victims "massacre of the Great" (1966.2.26)
Slaughter every last one within one hour and collect the 380 residents Korea capital army mechanized infantry division who visited the village of Great Bin'an village (fierce tiger force).

135 victims "massacre of Hami" (1966.2.25)
There was also a village massacre a woman, aged and children, were all killed Korea Blue Dragon troops.
You can add vinegar Ageki simultaneously collected in the village square, killing method threw a grenade.

79 victims "massacre of Fon'nyi-Fon'nyatto" (1968.2.12)
79 people unarmed civilians were massacred by the Republic of Korea (Blue Dragon Division).
In fact men of this village was a soldier of the U.S. military side to support the U.S. military.
South Korea military found no fire, was repeated further slaughter.

Massacre of civilians by military Korea! More than 300,000 victims!
U.S. military condemned the brutality of Korea army, South Korea military to thoughtless words "Viet Cong was so garbled to ally wearing a military uniform of Korea army, efforts were made to a conspiracy to distinguish enemy-ally have no idea" or was the excuse, but the U.S. military reported to the U.S. Congress that it was the brutality of the Korean army in the report of the image.

Was worked out atrocities in the "Vietnam War is not the only U.S. military. Killed Mugotarashiku Korea army was allies of the United States gathered in November 1966, the 430 farmers in this Binhoa ​​village. What is this It is one of the massacre was also time "

Story of survivors
"Were also pregnant women of 21 people in the. Victims were also one that uses. Machine gun began throwing hand grenades and shooting soldier"

He was hiding. Still screams of the victims were heard. That day, he was lost relatives most.

"After you. Killing niece were killed and nephew of one-five parents, wife, son, sister, was killed a buffalo and cattle of 100 head and set fire to the house of all"

Of the survivors, only eight are still alive. He has a bad impression to Koreans now.

". Villagers could not understand why so cruel they are afraid of the Korean"

Koreans brutality than Americans?

"That's right"


Have vowed to built a stone monument with "! Forget absolutely resentment and brutality to the majority of (South Korea)" in each village in Vietnam.
(Village massacre occurred) Hanmi National Museum
Pictures of civilian massacre by massacre, South Korea army of civilians by landing landscape-Korean Korean army exhibition.
Memorial carved the name of the people who were massacred by the army Korea.

Vietnam to request an apology to South Korea in the summit!
Action you can take as well as intimidation, "those who do not want to talk about it is good" and

35,000 women-Raitaihan hundreds of thousands of people who more than 300,000-rape slaughtered.
The South Korean government apology of the possibility of such damages, or damages also not against them! (Professed in the newspaper)
On the contrary Korea, put out advertising "Vietnam woman! Not run away" and was labeled as "human trafficking nation" from the United Nations!


Was forcibly taken from the comfort women ... the Korean Peninsula? ?
Heck no! I was looking out the classified ads for "military" comfort women in the newspaper properly!
I could not bring comfort women not to apply themselves!
"Comfort women of the Japanese army," "comfort women across the river after the soldier"
Comfort women of the Japanese military prostitution suppliers of Korean system.
Is it people who this was forced taken? It is quite fun.
Comfort women issue Forging of Korea!
It was Park in fraud and theft for stealing the comfort women fund-raising!
Why Do not touch this fact ...?

In Japan it is not the "Raitaihan!"
That 'would be the proof.
Force the first place taken, sex slaves say South Korea, there is no such fact.
South Korea If you seek compensation and apology for Japan in the comfort women issue, South Korea white apology and compensation to Vietnam ahead first!
The white apology and compensation to recognize the people who are called "Raitaihan!"

I pray for the souls of those who died in the Vietnam War.

(The popular model of Vietnam is the second half of the video)


Rape is commonplace in South Korea

Rape is commonplace in South Korea

After imprisonment by attracting to his house the women in their 20s in the dating of Incheon = [New] sheath Ham San Juan press = Internet,
After and 50 times too much sex assault threatened with weapon, 30s man with marriage to ward office was arrested by the police.

The 12th, police station of Incheon threatened weapon with sex assault by attracting to his house the woman to trick and to employment,
We plan to apply for an arrest warrant on suspicion of such violation of law on punishment and acts of violence (33) A, who made a marriage by threatening and would sell the red-light district.

The 11th last month, A's and then attracted to the house of their own after the Incheon met (26) Mr. B through a dating site on the Internet, and let the job According to the police
May "sell the red-light district if you do not listen to me. Because you know the address of your family, to rape to sister" after threatened,
Has received the alleged sexual assault over the 50 times until recently.

In addition, after the 18th last month, was threatened with a weapon Mr. B, "You're my woman now. JOIN marriage" beaten while referred to as the A's
Has received a doubt that the marriage to go to visit the ward office by threat in weapon.

Could not stand to such intimidation and violence continued in the 1st, B's, put a preservative of drinking water,
An attempt was made to de-from the terrible life like nightmare to eat but the A's, A's and to have suffered injury from Mr. B rather,
The death has requested a 60 million won out of court nominal money but to have suffered injury to the local Corps district is rejected, it was declared the B's.

Researching the declaration contents of the A's, police revealed the tragic incident like this.

Findings of police, A Mr. has been serving time in six months jail a year and leave 2009 profit attraction,
It was found that it was serving time in jail 10 times, such as violation of the law on rape and robbery punishment law on the protection of youth, such as violence.

Mr. B, was reported after graduating from college, while getting ready for the civil service examination, the employment of Mr. A temptation, to have been something like this.

Source (Korean)

The strawman sockpuppet by Koreans in Japan, hate speech Puropaganta

Demonstration to criticize Japan Korean people in violent words "massacre" or "exile" have been repeated in Korean Town, such as Tokyo and Shin-Okubo. We regard "hate speech (hate expression)" and claims that promotes discrimination, in some countries crack down to overseas.
In addition there is a movement to seek the regulation as "beyond the scope of freedom of speech" is also in Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and to answer as "regrettable extremely" in the National Assembly, an accusing voice is growing.

Japan claims the Koreans exclusion "Citizens not to permit privileges in Japan (current Special Account)" to lead the demonstration, etc..
Demonstration to open in Osaka and Shin-Okubo Tsuruhashi cry "enemy, South Korea cockroach," "Koreans and kill all" or, it is increasingly radical is in the last few years.

People to protest "discrimination against" and "get along" is also often by the roadside, but some retaliated with "Kill the segregationist"
Situation to be in conflict with the brink protesters also going on.

Current Special Account side, rebuttal "anti-Japanese demonstrations of more severe overseas" he said in the motion seeking the regulation or protest. "The radical expression means to attract attention.
The number of members increased to 13,000 people "said the results, to consider the" review, but I feel that to keep up the voice of the individual and "not.

[Jiji Press]