
The arrested Korea men who dressed as a woman is to prostitution in Japan

The arrested Korea men who dressed as a woman is to prostitution in Japan

Thread, known as the "be arrested Korea men who dressed as a woman is to prostitution in Japan" was erected on the bulletin board of Baidu major Chinese search site. For news thread Lord has introduced a variety of comments were received from Chinese Internet users.

Recently, Koreans had done sexual services to men "male prostitute" three people were arrested for violating the immigration laws suspicion. One 19-year-old boy and two men of 30-year-old was arrested came to Japan on a tourist visa in February-March, Standing and dressed as a woman in the red light district of Yokohama city, and made a sexual service over a voice to men had.

Prostitution between men is prohibited by law from 2004 in Korea, but similar legislation does not yet exist in Japan.

For the same news, "was Tsu pee Chibi This", "will not it", and "I thought I was surprised, Transsexual and the only one pair", eg, "can not face up to this" from Chinese Internet users , voice of surprise went up more.

In addition, such as "Do not be interested in why guests to did not notice a crease", and did not notice that this is a man, "Wait a minute, I unscientific so much why? Why do not notice? Why I did not notice?" users were surprised that there were many.

It was assumed that "Koreans do me I'm disgusting", "This is too terrible. Koreans Korean's still" and, the majority of comments indicate disgust also to others.

South Korea is a country prostitution prostitution often extremely. According to the Korea Research Institute of criminal policy, the results of the analysis of the number of tourists to use the local sex shop and number of tourists entered the country to Southeast Asia, such as the testimony of female victims,
Prostitution by Korean men there were many overwhelmingly in the sex trade market that target children less than 18 years of age in particular.

In addition, according to a report by the Korean government announced at the end of May 2012, Korean women who engage in prostitution abroad reached 80,000 people, 50,000 of whom would have done prostitution in Japan. It is believed that because it is a number from about 1 year ago, this would have increased further. (Editor: Hatakeyama Sakae)

Once upon a time → "wartime military comfort women"

Now → "whore"

It is a Korean it is to the business and the SEX and still on one's own initiative

여장 한 한국 남성이 일본에서 매춘 체포되는

여장 한 한국 남성이 일본에서 매춘 체포되는

중국 주요 검색 사이트 바이두 게시판에 "여장 한 한국 남성이 일본에서 매춘 체포된다 '는 스레드가 세워졌다. 스레 주가 소개 한 뉴스에 대한 중국인 네티즌으로부터 다양한 의견이 전해졌다.

남성에 대한 성적 서비스를 실시하고 있던 한국인 "남창"3 명이 최근 입관 난 민법 위반 혐의로 체포되었다. 체포 된 30 세의 남자 2 명과 19 살 소년 1 사람은 2-3 월에 관광 비자로 일본, 요코하마 시내의 유흥가 여장 서서 남성 얘기해 성적 서비스를 실시 있었다.

한국에서는 2004 년부터 남성끼리의 성매매가 법으로 금지되어 있지만, 일본에는 유사한 법률은 아직 존재하지 않는다.

이 소식에 대해 중국 네티즌은 "여기에는 오줌 꼬마 못했다", "그것은 아닐 것이다", "깜짝 놀랐어요, 중성은 타이 만이라고 생각했다", "이것은 직시 할 수 없다"등 놀라운 소리가 많이 올랐다.

또한 "잠깐, 왜 몰래? 왜 이렇게 비 과학적거야? 왜 안했지?", "나는 왜 손님이 눈치 채지 못했는지에 관심이 있지 말아라 '등 남성임을 알아 차리지 않았다 것에 놀랄 사용자도 많았다.

그 밖에도 "한국인은 정말 기분 나쁜거야" "이것은 대단하다. 한국인은 역시 한국인이다"등 대부분의 댓글이 혐오감을 나타내는 것이었다.

한국은 매춘도 매춘도 매우 많은 나라이다. 한국 형사 정책 연구원에 따르면, 동남 아시아에 입국 한 관광객이나 현지 유흥 업소를 이용하는 관광객 피해 여성의 증언 등을 분석 한 결과,
특히 만 18 세 미만의 아동을 대상으로 한 성매매 시장에서 한국 남성의 성매매가 압도적으로 많았다.

또한 한국 정부가 2012 년 5 월에 발표 한 보고서에 따르면 해외에서 매춘에 종사하는 한국인 여성은 8 만명에 이르고,이 중 5 만 명이 일본에서 매춘을하고 있다고한다. 이것은 약 1 년전의 숫자이기 때문에 더욱 증가하고 있다고 생각된다. (편집 담당 : 하 타케 야마 사카에)

옛날 → "종군 군 위안부 '

지금 → "매춘부"

예나 지금이나 자발적으로 SEX를 사업하는 것이 한국인입니다

지구상에서 가장 인종 차별이 심한 나라는 한국

지구상에서 가장 인종 차별이 심한 나라는 한국

【서울 연합 뉴스】

워싱턴 포스트는 15 일 (현지 시간) 각국의 사회 과학자가 81 개국을 대상으로 실시한 '세계 가치관 조사'결과를 바탕으로 한국인이 의외로 타인 종에 배타적이라고 보도 했다.

이 조사의 "이웃하고 싶지 않아 부류"를 선택 질문에 "다른 인종의 사람 '을 선택한 비율을 인종 배타성의 척도로 간주하고 국가별로 집계 한 결과, 한국인은 약 3 명 중 1 명이 타인 종 이웃을 거부했다. 이 비율이 30 %를 웃돌았다는 동아시아는 물론 경제 협력 개발기구 (OECD) 회원국 중에서도 한국이 유일하다.

워싱턴 포스트는 한국이 상당히 풍부하고 교육 수준이 높고, 민족적인 대립도없는 나라라는 것을 생각하면 의외의 결과라고 지적했다. 단일 민족성에 대한 한국인의 자존심 최근 동남아 국가에서 이민자 급증, 이웃 나라 일본과의 오랜 역사적 갈등이 배경에 있다고 분석하고있다.

2013/05/17 16:47
워싱턴 포스트







ソース 日刊スポーツ [2013年5月17日9時54分 紙面から]






(2013年5月17日  読売新聞)









한국 암흑 역사 ~ 제주도 4.3 사건

한국 암흑 역사 ~ 제주도 4.3 사건

동포가 동포를 강간, 학살 한 제주도 4.3 사건,
베트남 전쟁시의 베트남 사람에게 학살 · 강간의 인권 유린.

한국은 이러한 스스로 행한 범죄를 선반에 올려 일본의 식민지 지배의 피해자라는 입장을 이용하고 거지 같은 구걸로 일본에 경제적으로 의존하고 왔습니다.

또 일본의 아사히 신문이 날조 한 '종군 위안부 강제 연행'에 편승 인권 문제화 더욱 거지 근성을 정치적, 외교적, 경제적으로 이용하여 일본에 たかろ려고하고 있습니다.

 제주도 4.3 사건

 1945 년 9 월 2 일 일본이 연합국에 항복하면 한반도는 미군과 소련군에 의해 북위 38 도선에서 남북 분할 점령되어 군정이 깔려 있었다. 이 점령 지배 동안에, 남부에는 친미 이승만 정권, 북부에는 항일 빨치산을 일컫는 김일성의 북한 노동당 정권이 각각 미국과 소련의 힘을 배경으로 기반을 굳히고 있었다. 1945 년 9 월 10 일 조선 건국 준비위원회 지부가 제주도에 발견해, 곧, 제주도 인민위원회와 고쳐졌다. 1947 년 3 월 1 일 제주 시내에서 남북 통일 된 자주 독립 국가의 수립을 호소하는 시위를 벌였다 있던 도민 대해 경찰이 발포하여 도민 6 명이 살해되는 사건이 일어났다. 이 사건을 계기로 3 월 10 일, 항의의 전체 총파업이 결행되었다. 이것을 계기로 재 조선 미국 육군 사령부 군정청은 경찰과 북부 · 평안도에서 도망쳐 온 젊은이를 조직 한 우익 청년 단체 ( "서북 청년단")을 제주도에 보내, 백색 테러가 일어나는 하게되었다.
특히 섬 외부에서 이송 된 반공을 내거는 우익 청년 단체 서북 청년회는 도민에 대한 탄압을 거듭하여 경찰 조직을 배경으로 도민의 반란 조직의 파괴를 도모했다. 그러나 도민의 불만을 배경으로 힘을 얻고 있던 남조선 노동당은 1948 년 4 월 3 일 도민을 중심으로 한 무장 봉기를 일으켰다.

제주 도민의 봉기와 한국의 진압

1948 년에 들어가면, 남한은 북한 사정의 단독 선거를 실시하는 것을 결정하고 섬에서는 선거를 앞두고 치열한 좌우 両派의 대립이 시작되었다. 그중 단독 선거에 반대하는 좌파 도민의 무장 봉기 날짜가 4 월 3 일이다. 경찰과 우파에서 12 명, 무장 봉기 측에서 2 명의 사망자가 나왔다.
제주 도민의 봉기에 대해 한국 본토에서 진압군으로 육군이 파견되기에 즈음 해, 정부의 정책에 반항 한 부대에 의한 반란이 발생 (여순 사건) 한국 본토에서도 전투가 일어나고, 그 때에 일본에 밀항가 발생하게되었다. 제주도에서는 한국군 등으로 봉기 한 것은 탄압되었지만, 인민 유격대의 잔존 세력은 게릴라전으로 대항하게 되었기 때문에, 치안 부대는 잠복하고있는 유격대 원과 그들에게 동조하는 도민의 처형 · 숙청했다. 이것은 8 월 15 일 대한민국 성립 후에도 한국군 (이때 정식 발족)에 의해 계속되었다. 한국군은 주민들이 사는 마을을 습격하면 젊은이를 데리고 살해하고, 소녀들을 데리고 몇 주 동안 윤간 학대를 반복 한 후에 살해했다.

1948 년 9 월 김일성은 조선 인민군을 창설하고 이어 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국의 성립을 선언했다. 1949 년 12 월 24 일에는 한국 본토에서 한국군은 주민 학살 사건 (문경 학살 사건)의 원인, 공산주의자에 의한 범행이고 정보 조작했다.

1950 년 남북한 노동당이 합동 김일성의 북한이 한국 (본토)에 침공 (한국 전쟁)하면 조선 로동당 당원 사냥은 치열을 다해 1954 년 9 월 21 일까지 3 만명이 완전히 진압 된 1957 년에는 8 만 명의 주민들이 살해 된 것으로도 추측된다. 또한 한국 본토에서 보도 연맹 사건이 일어나면 본토와 마찬가지로 감옥에서 1200 명이 살해되었다. 해상에 투기 된 유해는 일본인에 의해 끌어 올려 대마도 사원에 안치되어있다.

역사적으로 유배지였던 것 등에서 조선 본토에서 차별되며 가난했던 제주 도민은 당시 일본 정부의 방지책을 뚫고 일본에 돈 벌러 가서 정착하는 사람들도 있었다. 한국 병합 후 일본 통치 시대 초기에 같이 일본 정부의 금지를 물리 치고 조선에서 일본으로 건너간 20 만명 정도의 대다수는 제주도 출신이었다고​​한다. 일본의 패전 후 그 3 분의 2 정도는 귀국했지만, 4.3 사건 발생 후 다시 일본 등 피난 혹은 밀입국 그대로 재일 조선인이 된 사람들도 많다. 일본에 피한 도민의 일부는 오사카에 커뮤니티를 건설했다. 제주도에서는 사건 전 (1948 년)에 28 만명 있었다 섬사람은 1957 년에는 3 만 명 미만으로 줄어들 것으로 알려졌다.

현재 한국 정부의 대응

오랜 세월 '반공'을 국시로 내걸고 온 한국에서는 책임 추궁이 공개적으로 이루어지고 있지 않다. 또한 사건을 말할 수 금기시되어 왔기 때문에 사건의 자세한 내용은 미 해명이다. 21 세기에 한국 대통령이 된 노무현은 자국의 역사 청산 사업을 추진, 2003 년 10 월에 실시 된 사건에 관한 도민과의 간담회에서 처음으로 사과했다. 또한 제주 4.3 사건 진상 규명 및 모기지 희생자 명예 회복위원회를 설치하고있다. 또한 2006 년 이날 희생자 위령제에 대통령으로서 처음 참석하고 도민에 대해 공식적으로 사과하고, 사건의 진상 규명을 선언했다.
사건을 피해 일본으로 밀항 한 제주도 출신의 재일 조선인은 그 끔찍한 경험에서 "또 혼 맞춰질 것이 아니냐"고 조국에 수십 년 동안 방문하지 않는 사람들도 많았지 만 한국 정부가 반성의 태도를 보여주기 시작함으로써 60 년 만에 조국을 방문 결심을 한 인물도 나타나기 시작하고있다.


보라! 이 시체들을! 그들의 동포를 죽인 것은 동포 인 한국인 자신이다!

For Korean Vietnam War, did his best of slaughter, rape, Vietnam should demand an apology and compensation!

For Korean Vietnam War, did his best of slaughter, rape, Vietnam should demand an apology and compensation!

Korea Mukiae the history of their own first before asking Japan to the understanding of history!

13, Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto of meeting co-representative of the Japanese Meiji Restoration was necessary to protect the discipline of the army "At the time for comfort women during the war.
Remarks countries around the world and so "had. "Where is the problem?" (78-year-old man in Osaka Joto-ku) in this

▽ voice of support "was something like that and war" (Chiba, men in their 50s) "It is useless if you do not say things to U. You tell me well" ▽ (Ibaraki prefecture, 60-year-old woman, etc.).
"I have been insulted women, anger does not fit" was also criticism (such as 78-year-old female) half.

Pointed out "that it becomes local procurement if there is no comfort women is clear" (60-year-old man in Nagoya), on the other hand.

South Korean soldiers of the Vietnam War is repeated rape (such as rape) in Vietnam women, children left behind "Raidaihan" The tens of thousands of thousands.
"If you say the damage of comfort women, Korean do I need to mention to the perpetrators of their own at the time of the Vietnam War" is also the voice of (the 65-year-old man).

When was stationed in "Japan, there is also the request of the U.S. military that we are criticized as" sex slaves "the comfort women is part of the United States
Skilled in the art collection of female American soldiers opponent. U.S.'ve had the doing the same thing "(76-year-old man of Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture)

▽ Japan women children of U.S. soldiers born in the "here and there after the war, made a. Opponent abandoned a lot to put up with crying, did not say anything.
Objection should be the problem of U.S. military action if criticize Japan "and (80-year-old woman in Yokohama).

Everyone knows that sex and "comfort women is a necessary evil 61-year-old man in Tokyo,
Hashimoto mayor must consider the timing and position.

However, it terms of "war" is a hoax is obvious. I have pointed out that Japan is "should be diplomatic and fair and square based on historical fact.

베트남은 베트남 전쟁 때 학살 · 강간을 다해 한국에 대해 배상과 사과를 요구해야한다!

베트남은 베트남 전쟁 때 학살 · 강간을 다해 한국에 대해 배상과 사과를 요구해야한다!

한국은 역사 인식을 일본에 요구하기 전에 먼저 자신의 역사에 마주!

일본 유신의 모임 공동 대표 하시모토 토오루 오사카 시장이 13 일 전시 위안부에 대해 "당시는 군의 기강을 보호하기 위해 필요했다.
세계 각국이 있었다 "라고 발언. 이에 "어디가 문제인가"(오사카 성동구의 78 세 남성)

▽ "전쟁이란 그런 것이었다"(치바, 50 대 남성) ▽ "잘 말해 주었다. う해야할 것은 말하지 않으면 안돼요"(이바라키 현 60 세 여성) 등 찬동의 목소리.
반면 '여성을 모욕하고, 분노가 맞지 않는다 "(78 세 여성) 등 비판도있었습니다.

한편 '위안부없이 현지 조달이되어 버리는 것은 분명 "(나고야 60 세 남성)의 지적.

베트남 전쟁의 한국군이 베트남 여성 강간 등을 반복, 남겨진 아이들 "라이다이항"는 수천에서 수만명.
"한국은 위안부의 피해를 말한다면, 베트남 전쟁시 자신의 가해도 언급하지 않으면 안된다"(동 65 세 남성)의 목소리도 있습니다.

미국의 일부 위안부를 "성 노예"라고 비판하고있는 것에 "일본에 진주했을 때, 미군의 요청도있어
미군 상대 여성을 업체가 모았다. 미국도 같은 일을 한 것이다 "(치바현 이치카와시의 76 세 남성)

▽ "전후 곳곳에서 미군의 아이가 태어나 많이 버려졌다. 상대를 한 일본 여성은 울면서 참, 아무것도 말하지 않았다.
일본을 비판한다면 미군의 행위도 문제하여야합니다 "(요코하마 80 세 여성)라는 반론.

도쿄도의 61 세 남성은 "위안부 나 풍속이 필요악 인 것은 모두가 알고 있지만,
하시모토 시장은 입장이나시기를 생각해야한다.

그러나 '종군'이라는 점이 날조 인 것은 명백. 일본은 사실을 근거로 정정당당과 외교를해야한다 "고 지적하고 있습니다.

America Is not allowed to speak the human language is defeated nation?

America Is not allowed to speak the human language is defeated nation?

America act is good or all?
What America is what we did in Iraq war?
I will try to mince the Indian but the United States or be allowed?

Among American Protestants,
Are you going to sex and prostitution I do not allowed religious,
Or should I Kuiaratamere If you rape a woman of Oriental heathen?

Hashimoto spoke for the first time criticized the U.S. spokesman "uncomfortable outrageous" "

At a press conference on the 16th, the comfort women it was necessary, Saki spokesman for the U.S. State Department of the meeting co-representative of Japan Restoration
I was accused of "It's uncomfortable outrageous" remarks by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto.

The over remarks Hashimoto mayor, Little spokesman for the U.S. Department of Defense at stake in that it sought to use the genre of skill in the art U.S. forces in Japan,
It had said the U.S. military to refuse prostitution and "of course", but U.S. government officials were criticized from the front in place of the official the first time.

Events that happened to women who were trafficked for the purpose of "resistance Nagekawashiku for comfort women bloom spokesman,
He pointed out that it is an incredibly serious human rights violations with "obvious.

47NEWS 2013/05/17 06:18


The society to be killed easily human rights to sex workers is neglected in Korea

(First part omitted)
Include the following: Ru Ya sex workers killing 10 the last few years, media has reported.
The following material thing you have fixed complement the chart was published in "Women and human rights," the second half of 2011 the Korean women human rights Agency issued.

The female sex workers attempted murder by sex buyers at the inn with a 2004.9 Seoul Jiangbei District

Sex worker women killing a possible purchaser at the inn with a 2005.6, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Sex worker women killed in hotels for those 2006.4.7, Jongno-gu, Seoul paradise dong
Female sex workers in their 20s killed by father in Seoul 2008.11

Female workers attempted murder 20s of a possible purchaser in the office of hotel 2009.7.10 Seoul Seocho-dong

Sex worker women in their 40s killed by sex buyers in the studio with a 2009.8 Jeju City Yongdong

Female sex workers in their 20s killed by beatings and imprisonment of Madame and business owners in the studio of 2009.12 Daejeon elm river dong

Sex worker women in their 50s is killed by sex buyers in B & Bs for those 2009.12.4 Taebaek Kanji-dong

And of the 40's by the purchaser at the office Hotels with 2010.2 Busan Jin-ku
Worker women killing
A possible purchaser, and darkness buried sex workers women killed in 2010.4 all south Yeosu

Female sex workers in their 30s killed by sex buyers in the store that 2010.7.30 Seoul Cheongnyangni staging area

Female sex workers in their 30s killed a possible purchaser at the inn with a 2010.12.11 Jeonju virtue Tsu District

Sex worker women killing a possible purchaser at the inn with a 2011.10 Kyung-do Changwon Seongsan district

Sex worker women in their 40s killed by sex buyers in B & Bs for those 2011.11.2 Busan Haeundae

Female sex workers in their 30s killed a possible purchaser at the inn with a 2012.7 .. 4 Uijeongbu

Sex worker women in their 40s killed by sex buyers in B & Bs for those 2013.3.17 Hwaseong Hyan'namu village

Because they did not hear the unreasonable demands of buyers, because they had been standing in the stomach, buyers are afraid seized, and not want to pay, sex workers try to sex without a condom to buyers because they rejected the request of buyers that, there are just because they are sex workers simply because they were denied a request to lay off of the labor further,
From family and lover, in hopes of escaping by force from the seized just because a sex labor, it is killed from the same woman on the grounds of the sex trade and the spouse of their own inside.

Original (Chamusesan)
Translation / responsibility for the contents of an article: Yasuda (boiled)

The full
















"Sexual awareness of dangerous Korean" in the tales and folk tales

"Sexual awareness of dangerous Korean" in the tales and folk tales

If there is rape in the world of Disney if?
This is it's the rather commonplace in South Korea ...
The sense on of Korea do not have to say other can only're crazy.

"Woodcutter and fairy" The old story, the story of a gentle woodcutter who helped deer being chased by hunters, but not only that. Behavior of lumberjack that was sired living, to both children by trampling forced the woman, a crime In terms of now. Deer life was spared thanks to the woodcutter, advise "to steal the robe, daughter-in-law to please the fairy that no longer go back to the sky" and teaching the bathing place of the fairy woodcutter. Woodcutter brought as if the fairy abduction. And I tried not to let escape the pregnancy fairy. Deer says, "Do not show the robe until lays four children". The idea that "one person on each holding in both hands (if put four children), even if Obu~tsu one person, one person, so may remain, will not leave your side of Woodman even if there is a robe" and It was that.
Deer and logger when I acted like this in 2013, it would have been arrested for "kidnapping trampling sin for marriage" by the lawsuit fairy.

Recognition of Korean men to become a mine if you ask be quiet and to attack is also a glimpse into tales of "kidnapping" women. Late 1800s, there was a woman named Song, who lives together with daughter couple in Hwanghae Province Yan'an county. One day, rumors and son-in-law Sung that has signed a sexual relationship in the village flows. Then, "I think that is to become a relationship like that with the son-in-law, would a woman who disturbed sexual" a man who lost his wife and was abducted Sung. Sung was a frustrating I have kidnapped the attempted suicide twice, and died in hanged after all. The kidnapping of the Joseon Dynasty, is also evaluated as was the culture for those who remarried is difficult, such as economic reasons, a kidnapping marriage to live together and kidnapped women, it was plunder marriage.

(Sword for self-defense) silver Jangdo's culture iconic indicating the conventional wisdom "when rape was likely to be (rape), it must be resisted as much as possible" and. Conventional wisdom like this has led to the recognition that the wrong is not a rape if you do not resistance. Because the man who had a crush on he had been touching the breast, daughter of (local officials of the Joseon Dynasty) honey yang fu used to come out to the narrative of Alan, Alan cut the breast and remove the silver Jangdo. The man was surprised to see it killed Alan. It is recognized as sexual violence if you deny women sexual relations without any resistance in modern times.
Delivery Chosun Ilbo Japanese version 4 minutes (Mon) 7:06 May 2013

Police in South Korea also observe the rape! Korean society that is crazy!

Police in South Korea also observe the rape! Korean society that is crazy!

"I did not think rape", police rushed a "wait-and-see" for an hour in the field - South Korea

From what Korea paper Chosun Ilbo is transmitted on 5 date, South Korea Gyeonggi-do (Gyeonggi-do) Suwon (Suwon), man in his twenties with a sexual offense history wearing the electronic foot wheels but caused the rape incident , it was found that police rushed is misunderstood as "acts of consensual", but did not rescue the victims. China network is transmitted on 7 date.

According to the article, police rushed in response to the report, found two of the middle of the action. However, the "place to see, because there was no state in which the man is using the weapon very natural two people, it was not visible only in the act of consensual" because, to be "observe" for the time being.
And, "even if it is rape even if, I thought danger is or not in the range to women depresses in the middle of the act" because, after all, an hour and then continued to "observation". Korean people who knew this great rage. Criticism is rushed to police officers who did not save the woman while at the scene.
7 minutes Recent XINHUA.JP (Thu) 21:09 May 2013

Koreans to rape to women with disabilities! ! !

Koreans to rape to women with disabilities! ! !

Rape is a daily occurrence in South Korea

It was found that the Jeonbuk Muju county, and sexually assaulted by five residents of the neighborhood
Two girls class intellectual disabilities (13) = 1 year = junior high school, had been sexually assaulted in a group of three teenage boy also three years ago.
At that time, three criminals were all arrested, but the child still can not receive adequate protection, became the prey of criminals sex again.

Residents of rental apartments that reporters visited on the 28th, girl victims live,
I said, "I did not know that there was a. Intellectual disability was a child and bright voice is large" for girl.
Police have done an investigation about the incident
Explained, "that it does not have the ability to protect themselves of their own, to obtain the testimony consistent was also difficult for the victim" he said.
I did not know all the facts work busy parents of the girl, and sexually assaulted the residents in the neighborhood.

Suspect plus a sexual assault on girl, autonomy chairman of the 57-year-old and two elderly 60s,
It was a disabled 44-year-old and 52-year-old to use a wheelchair.
Respectively, and call out to the girl, five people were added to the sexual assault.

According to the police, the first incident is a crime A suspect that the girl is called "grandfather" (69),
I occurred in March 2009 before the girl move in an apartment.
The girl was 10 years old at the time. To call out the "Come to play" Girl, A suspect was added to the sexual assault with a release of home.
Then, call the arbor and in the village the girl A suspect,
It was the addition of sexual assault by passing 5000-1 million won (about 380-760 yen).

Was subjected to March the following year in December the same year, the girl sexually assaulted over five times from 3 Boy P (18) et al.
At the time, it is possible to arrest the boy P, police has been sent papers the two junior high school students,
It did not figure out about the incident that happened earlier.

girl then, moved to the apartment from July last year,
I began to receive a sexual assault from residents from the same apartment.
First, it calls out to be "Let's go play in peach field" in the girl, B suspects living in the same building (65) was added to the sexual assault in the car.
Father of the girl (47) was called "brother" and B suspects belong to organizations that promote the friendship of the inhabitants of the village.
The incident caused the third was the chairman of the village self-government.
C suspect engaged in a bicycle repair shop (57) in October last year,
Was added to the sexual assault Tsurekomi in the back room, the girl visited the store to ask the bike repair.
At least, C suspect was found that he had added a total of six times sexual assault.

March this year, D suspects father of men who had been intimate in the neighborhood (52) was also added to the sexual assault on the girl.
D suspect was a failure who use a wheelchair.
D suspects
"After you back is come to my house, and to Itsukeru. Police ring is gone"
The threatened, was added to the sexual assault.

In addition, E suspect of people with disabilities (44) also in July this year as well,
It begged to be "trying to do also with me" chasing girl with an electric wheelchair.

The police, from D suspects Friend E suspect has the same fault,
It is seen as talked about the relationship with the girl.
E suspect that had been forced to be "white on that street," while showing porn videos girl.

The police, "the attitude of the suspect to the D girl come into play within the suspicious" as a caregiver there,
In response to the information was provided to youth counseling centers, we started the investigation.
That you have a call on the mobile phone for about 140 times girls and Ya become apparent suspects,
I was excuse "girl has been seduced" and admitted the crime.
While send the report of the E suspect D and suspect of people with disabilities, police arrested three people remaining.
Currently, the girl is protected by sexual assault victim relief center of Jeonju North Jeolla Province.


Presence, called comfort women modern, and still Korean-Koreans livelihood prostitution

Presence, called comfort women modern, and still Korean-Koreans livelihood prostitution

[Japan and Korea] realities of sexually transmitted diseases Korean prostitutes working in "Japan, AIDS, illegal stay. . . A breeding ground of pestilence "The (MBC TV) 06/03/22
I was shocked realities of sex trafficking of Korean Women in Japan is published MBC of 21 days to "PD Notebook".
Sex trade shop has recently hired a Korean woman in Japan has been increasing according to broadcasting. Broadcasting had told that there are about 300 cases Na tempo that seemed to move as it is focused 娼村(Village of prostitutes) of Korea (brothel district) of Tokyo "Uguisudani" region. I say to thousands name only in Korea women in these stores employer of Korea has managed.
The problem is to say, of course, environmental women these unsanitary and that severely abuses. A condom in particular
Without, it was found that it is vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. (Snip)
Obstetricians local Japanese were screening the Korean prostitutes that have so scary "disease by showing the medical record card
I said, "I did not know. The woman showed a positive reaction to the venereal disease field of four types.
Women of sex trafficking is taking the customers more than 10 people a day who many cases, there was no money to go back to the girls. And all feed on debt
It is deprived threatening income. There are also out of control colleagues, I was badly monitoring.
A woman that you will be taken to sex trade shop with South Korea because of the debt, has escaped in Japan "It was machine or animal, is me."
I was reminiscent of a desperate time. She wants to see parents back home to the motherland, but the revenge of sex trafficking tissues of Korea fear
It has remained in Japan as illegal aliens by clause.
In order to eradicate the sex trade shop in Korea spread to Japan (Uguisudani etc.), production staff, brokers and business owners
insisted the need for strong punishment against you. Although says launched since the sex trade special law, debt repayment of employer has become possible,
It is only on the surface. Also, be punished in the sex trade mediation charges, most being released on probation. After all, the employer debt and
Not only means domestic violence, that we're tied to the women in Japan.

Shock to people who live in both primary from Japan

Tsuruga citizens body and soul sold by drug called "primary money" in spite of the nuclear accident in Fukushima is mad.

15 days professional investigation team of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not evaluate "active faults" he said in (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture) directly under Unit 2 Japan Atomic Power Tsuruga nuclear power plant, the voice of repulsion "It's a hasty judgment" in the local rose. Impact has spread to as "non-human" Per with locals of five nuclear power plants other possible faults could be forced to decommissioning also increased, run a nuclear power plant site is active fault has been pointed out.

"Neutrality" of the country in which plague Takahama now town stopped the [Photo] nuclear power plant

◆ "It's a rough and ready judgment"

"Considerable influence even though are on the civic life nuclear power plant is stopped even for free, it has become even more severe consequences for the Tsuruga"

The judgment of the regulatory committee of this, executives Tsuruga can not hide the shock. Another person said, "Regulatory Committee's impression who are rushing toward the decommissioning though" he said.

In the situation where there is no choice but to rely on nuclear power plant-related revenue Tsuruga. Many of the residents of 60 008 thousand inhabitants is because he works for a nuclear power plant-related companies. According to the city, officials engaged in regular inspection of nuclear power plant is about 8500 people at peak times. Person in charge of the city confide "work of about three thousand people died from nuclear power plants stopped" he said.

The survey of over active fault, criticized as hasty was also out to be concluded before you appreciate the opportunity to express an opinion on the operators. "At the stage that has not been made in the aggregation of the views of experts from a wide range of fields, can receive as well as" Ki Yes "conclusion by the view" (71) was criticized Arima Yoshikazu President of Tsuruga Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

◆ The "not every person"

Also local nuclear power plant Tsuruga nuclear power plant similar view, that there is an active fault on site are shown, determined by regulation committee experts this time, cast a dark shadow.

Location Prefecture Tohoku Electric Power Higashi (Higashi) nuclear power plants (Aomori Higashidori village), the person in charge of Aomori Prefecture said, "not a person each way. Future, you want to watch how Tsuruga nuclear power plant or going to become" he said.

"impact on the local inestimable if it becomes even to decommissioning if" "war people we fear" and the person in charge of Shiga town (Ishikawa) is located Hokuriku Electric Power Company Shiga nuclear power plant research does not end is also a. Person in charge of Mihama town in the Kansai Electric Power Mihamagenpatsu (Fukui) has rebounded, "does not come nicely whether you are together in what scientific basis. Convincing explanation is local is not" he said.

◆ "whether to end when"

On the other hand, upset spread with locals of Chubu Electric Power Company's nuclear plant at Hamaoka (Shizuoka Omaezaki) the driver is stopped at the request of the unusual from the former Prime Minister Naoto Kan of the Democratic Party, two years have passed in 14 days. "Future of re-running the primary concern of the city" It's because (Omaezaki).

However, it's status quo prospect of re-operation has not yet standing at all. Occurrence of the tsunami above the seawall under construction is pointed out, bulk up construction work is progressing Hamaokagenpatsu but, Nishihara Shigeki mayor of Makinohara obtained of Hamaokagenpatsu a "permanent stop" on September 23, 2010 (59 It stressed that "is in the source region of the Tokai earthquake Hamaokagenpatsu,. citizen peripheral population often does not have a sense of security, it should not move," said). Understanding of the surrounding municipality is not enough.

"It's real intention given the. Civic life or to end Once the time, and do not wait any more." Person in charge of Omaezaki was muttered way.

Shock to people who live in both primary from Japan

Tsuruga citizens body and soul sold by drug called "primary money" in spite of the nuclear accident in Fukushima is mad.

15 days professional investigation team of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission does not evaluate "active faults" he said in (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture) directly under Unit 2 Japan Atomic Power Tsuruga nuclear power plant, the voice of repulsion "It's a hasty judgment" in the local rose. Impact has spread to as "non-human" Per with locals of five nuclear power plants other possible faults could be forced to decommissioning also increased, run a nuclear power plant site is active fault has been pointed out.

"Neutrality" of the country in which plague Takahama now town stopped the [Photo] nuclear power plant

◆ "It's a rough and ready judgment"

"Considerable influence even though are on the civic life nuclear power plant is stopped even for free, it has become even more severe consequences for the Tsuruga"

The judgment of the regulatory committee of this, executives Tsuruga can not hide the shock. Another person said, "Regulatory Committee's impression who are rushing toward the decommissioning though" he said.

In the situation where there is no choice but to rely on nuclear power plant-related revenue Tsuruga. Many of the residents of 60 008 thousand inhabitants is because he works for a nuclear power plant-related companies. According to the city, officials engaged in regular inspection of nuclear power plant is about 8500 people at peak times. Person in charge of the city confide "work of about three thousand people died from nuclear power plants stopped" he said.

The survey of over active fault, criticized as hasty was also out to be concluded before you appreciate the opportunity to express an opinion on the operators. "At the stage that has not been made in the aggregation of the views of experts from a wide range of fields, can receive as well as" Ki Yes "conclusion by the view" (71) was criticized Arima Yoshikazu President of Tsuruga Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

◆ The "not every person"

Also local nuclear power plant Tsuruga nuclear power plant similar view, that there is an active fault on site are shown, determined by regulation committee experts this time, cast a dark shadow.

Location Prefecture Tohoku Electric Power Higashi (Higashi) nuclear power plants (Aomori Higashidori village), the person in charge of Aomori Prefecture said, "not a person each way. Future, you want to watch how Tsuruga nuclear power plant or going to become" he said.

"impact on the local inestimable if it becomes even to decommissioning if" "war people we fear" and the person in charge of Shiga town (Ishikawa) is located Hokuriku Electric Power Company Shiga nuclear power plant research does not end is also a. Person in charge of Mihama town in the Kansai Electric Power Mihamagenpatsu (Fukui) has rebounded, "does not come nicely whether you are together in what scientific basis. Convincing explanation is local is not" he said.

◆ "whether to end when"

On the other hand, upset spread with locals of Chubu Electric Power Company's nuclear plant at Hamaoka (Shizuoka Omaezaki) the driver is stopped at the request of the unusual from the former Prime Minister Naoto Kan of the Democratic Party, two years have passed in 14 days. "Future of re-running the primary concern of the city" It's because (Omaezaki).

However, it's status quo prospect of re-operation has not yet standing at all. Occurrence of the tsunami above the seawall under construction is pointed out, bulk up construction work is progressing Hamaokagenpatsu but, Nishihara Shigeki mayor of Makinohara obtained of Hamaokagenpatsu a "permanent stop" on September 23, 2010 (59 It stressed that "is in the source region of the Tokai earthquake Hamaokagenpatsu,. citizen peripheral population often does not have a sense of security, it should not move," said). Understanding of the surrounding municipality is not enough.

"It's real intention given the. Civic life or to end Once the time, and do not wait any more." Person in charge of Omaezaki was muttered way.


Mad too numerous to Korea ... or cut off the genitals themselves

40s that caused the uproar genital cutting, cut off both knee is run over by a subway

A serious injury jumped into the subway 40s that caused an uproar turn off the genitals of 3 days own run

The man got off to a part of the genital own stationery for cutlery in the 10 days before East Daegu Station Square
It is a different person Kim Bowe (32) 's.

5 At around 7:00 am on the 15th, A (49) Mr. direction to peace of mind in the Daegu station line of Daegu Subway Line 1
It was run over by a 1017 issue subway towards

Mr. A was taken to the hospital owed a large wound to cut off both knee in the accident but, critically ill
It was found to be a state.

About 11 am leaving the 12th, A's in the stationery for cutlery from Daegu Daegu subway station square before
Caused the uproar suicide to turn off the genitals of their own.

Cut with a knife about 3cm the genitals of himself, but he did not cut at that time.

Mr. A is that it has vertical side theory theory associated with suicide history to police that was dispatched suicide after uproar
Was reported.

Police Daegu subway station back and forth 53 minutes 5:00 this morning (A-san) through the "CCTV
After went into the line beyond the fence and from control for relief direction passenger space, in the direction Otani
That I walked for about 100m was confirmed "was Toshin" He has remained in line around
I made it clear and "is estimated ones.

The police plan to investigate the detailed incident history against such witnesses and family of the A's.

On the other hand stationery for a certain Mr. Kim in East Daegu Station Square in Daegu, Higashi-ku, Shinkawa-dong in the afternoon leave the 5th
I was or caused an uproar to cut part of the genitals of himself with a knife.

▲ Yonhap News (can not be after 09:36)
성기 절단 소동 40 대 지하철 에 치여 중상 (종합 2 보)
By being run over by a genital cutting uproar 40s underground serious injury (General Report 2)

South Korea's exports to prostitute man

South Korea's exports to prostitute man

Koreans had done sexual services to men "male prostitute" three people have been arrested for violating the immigration laws suspicion. Kanagawa prefectural police announced 12 May 2013. Prostitution men being arrested on suspicion of the same that the first time.

One 19-year-old boy and two men of 30-year-old was arrested came to Japan on a tourist visa in February-March, Standing and dressed as a woman in the red light district of Yokohama city, and we are sexual service to call out to men it is to have. Police have seen three people had repeated similar acts from previous.

Laws crack down on prostitution between men in 2004 is in force in Korea, but there is no such provision Anti-Prostitution Law of Japan. It is reported that male prostitution if there are multiple confirmed in three non-human in the red light district around the problem.

Source: (J-CAST News)











英語では Recreation and Amusement Association と言い、RAA の頭字語で知られた。直訳は「余暇・娯楽協会」であり、日本語の名称との間で意味が大きく異なる。

ヨーロッパの戦場で、米軍によるレイプの被害者が14000人(ドイツ人女性 11040人)いたこと。
沖縄戦では米軍上陸後、強姦が多発したこと。米軍兵士により強姦された女性数を10000人と推定する見解もある。“In Okinawa, US troops are estimated to have raped 10,000 Japanese women during World War II”。


Is there qualified to condemn the war crimes of the country of the United States elsewhere?

Rape is inherent in war, but the rape was a massacre of the world's most if Nazi Germany military is the U.S. military.

It has been the tool of political strife China, South Korea today, was dominated political and military in Japan once comfort women as a war crime of the former Imperial Japanese Army definitive East Asia could use this problem.

The Imperial Japanese Army comfort women is of a "home".
This is a fact no doubt.
But the person or whether the girls were forced under the direction of the military is a serious problem.
Was invent without presenting any evidence of the fact that the "force" this problem is of major media Asahi Shimbun of Japan.

In addition, it is a thorny issue that the media took the breath China, South Korea opposition, Asahi Shimbun started this problem is multiplied by the shake to Abe in Japan

Japan accepted the unconditional surrender to the United States.
It is of lost the war.

U.S. forces occupied Japan.
Rape to Japanese women by American soldiers were numerous where it happened.

So the needs of the "comfort women" has increased.
Thus is was established it is ※ special recreation facility Association.

※ The special recreation facility Association (Association An institution has special), Ian after World War II, was a prostitute to the other party of soldiers Dogun made in Japan of Allied occupation under (comfort women) is where.
Is called the Recreation and Amusement Association in English, it was known by the acronym of the RAA. Literal translation is "leisure and entertainment association", meaning differ significantly between the name of the Japanese.

Following matters will be the establishment and background
On the battlefields of Europe, victims of rape by the U.S. military be had (11040 people German woman) 14000 people.
And that the U.S. military after landing, rape occurred frequently in the Battle of Okinawa. There is also a view that estimated 10,000 women number of raped by U.S. soldiers. "In Okinawa, US troops are estimated to have raped 10,000 Japanese women during World War II".
When the U.S. forces stationed in Japan, the first 10 days, that the rape of 1336 reviews occurred in Kanagawa Prefecture.
While the average daily number was 40, the number of sexual assault and rape cases before the special recreation facility association is abolished actual number of sexual assault and rape cases after the abolition The daily average number of 1946 first half out has increased to 330
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ special recreation facility Association

As an aside still in the United States military bases in various parts of Japan today
Sex crimes committed by American soldiers unending.

Exports of South Korea's biggest whore

Exports of South Korea's biggest whore and  National sport of South Korea rape

Soldier Na there is the comfort women system will be run on rape?
South Korea by the habit of earnestly raped Vietnamese women during the Vietnam War! ! !

Remarks of (Osaka mayor) Toru Hashimoto joint representation of Society of Japan Ishin that admitted [Seoul current events] comfort women system, the 14th, for the coverage of Yonhap news blasphemy against the dignity of "Women Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman ( I strongly condemned a blasphemy), "he remarks following common sense to distortion (distortion) history.

On the other hand, South Korea newspapers dated 14 coverage all together or "thoughtless words again". Dong-A Ilbo noted that "absurd remarks of Japanese politicians have gain momentum" he said.
Experts predict "Prime Minister is the supreme leader of Japan since denied the invasion, has revealed the truth without maintenance forces hold back. Unless you have a Prime Minister Abe, thoughtless words of politicians will continue" and I told the view.

42 minutes Recent Tuesday 20 time, 14 May Newsletter

5 million people South Korea women prostitution in Japan

Korean women recently, members of the Korea Grand National Party is doing prostitution in South Korea outside the country reached more than 100,000 people, has announced 50,000 people are going into prostitution in Japan of them. Global Times has reported.

The 28th, in addition to have engaged in prostitution than five million people, equivalent to half of the total of the Korean women, 2,500 people in Australia, 250 people in Guam, China and Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea media "Newsis" such as the United States and even in Japan I told Korean women more than 100,000 people and are engaged in prostitution The combined.

According to the statistics, suspect was arrested on suspicion of prostitution in Korea that was increased to 73 000 people in 2009 from 18,000 in 2005. After having showed a sense of crisis to the reality that Korean women more than 100,000 are doing prostitution abroad, members of the Grand National Party complained "The Korean government must stand appropriate course of action immediately" and was. (Editor: Hatakeyama Sakae)

Searchina October 28, 2010

Tibetan people by the Chinese massacre in progress currently

Tibetan people by the Chinese massacre in progress currently

Hong Lei, deputy news director of current affairs [Beijing] China Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a regular press conference on the 14th,
About what (Osaka mayor) was saying "It was necessary" the comfort women Toru Hashimoto joint representation of the Restoration Society of Japan,
It strongly condemned it as "a show to surprise and indignation that it has made openly remarks to challenge the justice of history and common sense of mankind".

Hong, deputy director is a serious crime that Japan militarism committed in World War II forced the "comfort women,
It stressed that "human rights is also a serious problem related to the personality dignity of the victim.

It said, "dictate the fate of the future of Japan how to confront the past and can do (Taiji)" on it,
I complained and the international community neighboring countries of Asia and is closely watching the actions of Japan.


Chinese Communist Party directive (NHK, Asahi, Mainichi) to anti-Japanese Japanese media?

Chinese Communist Party directive (NHK, Asahi, Mainichi) to anti-Japanese Japanese media?

14th International Information paper Global Times of Chinese Communist Party organ People's Daily-system on pointed out that "after the inauguration of the Second Abe Cabinet, Sino-Japanese relations have been deteriorating rapidly," said
I reported, "opportunities for bilateral relations to improve, not come Abe until retirement" he said. Following the outline.

Sino-Japanese relations is followed by friction, exchanges of top-level while suspended. Public sentiment of each other is cold is towards the "more severe winter",
I began to appear to hostility. After the inauguration of the Second Abe Cabinet, instability of the Sino-Japanese relations has reached nearly to the maximum.
Adverse effect on the bilateral relations of Prime Minister Abe, serious Koizumi Junichiro.

Nor did the prime minister at the time, and remains in the simple action of "visits Yasukuni Shrine", blow smoke in the territorial dispute Mr. Koizumi.
Never behavior of Mr Koizumi to develop into a conflict and economic diplomacy, did not also be expanded from the historical problem of mutual antipathy.

However, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was pushed to the Sino-Japanese relations throughout the effects of the problem (Chinese name of the Senkaku Islands) Diaoyu Islands. In recent months just after taking office,
Take a tank wearing a military uniform, and chanted three times ten thousand years His Majesty the Emperor. I have been saying repeatedly, "definition of aggression has not been determined," also.

Though, Abe seems obsessed with sorrow of defeat to the bone. It probably hates the results of World War II still.
Without hate the cause of people and was triggered the war. China will not be able to change the values ​​of such a Prime Minister Abe.
Will not need to entertain any hope to Abe anymore.

During the inauguration, it is not necessary to Chinese leaders to meet with Prime Minister Abe. If you do that, true relaxation is not brought to the Sino-Japanese relations.
Only Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is evaluated, the image of China's only impair the contrary.

China may we continue the "frosty" relationship with Japan. opportunity for China and Japan to improve the relationship, not come Abe until his retirement.

43 minute delivery (Tuesday) 14:14 May XINHUA.JP (edit translated Azusawa Noriko)

(Sex slaves) comfort women issue is the root of all evil is the newspaper Asahi Shimbun of Japan

(Sex slaves) comfort women issue is the root of all evil is the newspaper Asahi Shimbun of Japan

Korea earnestly raped Vietnamese women during the Vietnam War!

Comfort women issue is Asahi Shimbun in January 1992
"Supervision and installation of the comfort station, the recruitment of comfort women, the Japanese military had control"
It was reported that becomes inception, it has developed a diplomatic issue between Japan and Korea.

Or "forced taken away in the name of (court) Thai Teishin the Korean primarily women" in the article in
There is also a part that was reported by mistake of wartime labor mobilization system as "comfort women hunting" the "women's volunteer corps", the presence or absence of forced taking was the biggest issue.

Miyazawa Cabinet published a survey that in July the same year, materials that support the (forced entrainment) and was not found and forced recruitment by the military.
However, from the Japanese aim criticism in Korea does not fit, to achieve the political settlement, in August '93 next day, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono is (at the time),
I announced the discourse to express "remorse and apology" admitted the involvement of military installation of comfort station, manage, and transfer of comfort women.

However, since the perversion "Japanese government permit forced entrainment of comfort women by the Imperial Japanese Army" and is spread rather by Kono discourse,
First Abe Cabinet March 2007,
"Some of the material by the government discovered, described as shown directly the so-called force taken by authorities and the military could not find"
I have cabinet decision of the government answer that.


By Koreans living in Japan fabricated a name to hide real name in Japan List of Demon rape

By Koreans living in Japan fabricated a name to hide real name in Japan
List of Demon rape

The rape (including housewives) and 19 women living in the jig along the Song Yue Korean Mejiro street.
Hikizurikomi rape in the car high in Japan Naoyuki Korean high school girls
Husband continuous rape aim housewife home attendance of just after gold Yun-sik Korean Osaka.
The rape the 14 females in elementary school trick threatening in Bae Horizonte Korean-Japanese cutlery
Continuous rape the girl introducing himself as Lee Shoichi Korean-Japanese Fuji TV officials
Visiting Japan, the Japanese rape actress for Lee Dong Yat Koreans (Tokyo) play Ferris
The raping nine women in the modus operandi from entering the room from one Korean residents veranda
Invite rape the girl of 4th grade (Nagano) "things looking for some" in Japan and Korean Zhang this morning
Rape inflicted wound wooden sword in the two women at rest in Choi Ji-Rong Koreans in Japan Vehicle
Rape to drink and drugs in Japan Korean naturalized citizen two yuan Obara Castle, the British
Rape 35 people Japanese girl in gold retention (Nagata retention) Korean residents within the church
The intrusion residence in the clothing and Takatsuki, Osaka gold and Yoshiaki Korean residents Kyoto Shimogyo, to borrow the toilet, and rape of 6 aimed at women 10-20 years of age
Packed in a bag after it enters the room of gold women peace Korean residents living alone, was tied with a string of women, and Tsurekomi at home, raped repeatedly by imprisoned until morning.
On the streets of gold Toshiaki Koreans in Japan Ikuno-ku, Osaka, rape Tsurekomi Vehicle to the woman while pretending the gang
Rape in the modus operandi barge at the same time entered the room the women of Lee Tung Ho Korean return home during
Invade the Lee Masato Japan Korean house, rape a 15-year-old girl was in the house alone
Around the slow one in Japan Korean Osaka Minami, to repeat the rape a woman under the guise of member of organized crime.
The rape in Tsurekon at home and pose as gang boss, a woman of 19-year-old Tai Fook thousand Korean residents Gifu city
The room broke into a 20-year-old old women of apartments in white Yong Hiroshi Korean residents Osaka City Minato, rape poses a knife
is allowed to drunk to let drink wine woman at karaoke bar that all Akira net Korean residents to their work, rape on the premises of the store

There is a habit to blame Japan immediately convenience worsens Koreans

If What to the fact it is Park Chung Yuan President of South Korea = Japanese name Takagi Masao Park Geun president of South Korea now?

Flows false rumor that People's Daily Regional Director Japanese nationals who remonstrance anti-Japanese demonstrations

The China actually pro-Japanese, pro-Japanese group more than a few, but rarely come out to the table.
Since and is labeled as "pro-Japanese faction" once, it is listed as (traitor) Kankan on the net,
And that because we will be criticized semi-permanently.

Is considered a pro-Japanese or trying to take a neutral position, just call for calm behavior, it is beaten.
Therefore, the "anti pro slip of tongue incident" is secondary in recent years.

It's been exposed to severe criticism especially, in August last year that Japan nationalization of the Senkaku Islands were noted,
It is those who remonstrate saying a radical anti-Japanese demonstrations.

For the attack on the Japanese ambassador official car Han Xiao Qing's People's Daily of Japan branch length, did it "is
And remark "should not be cast out Japanese friends on the grounds of" Diaoyu Islands criticized on television with a narrow patriotism person ",
I released a discussion of "coercive fishing harm public opinion" Hua-shaped paper for Japan.

While it is meaning patriotism who the "retention fishing harm public opinion," "retention fishing" or to try to protect claimed sovereignty over Diaoyu Islands would harm the country
In response to large-bashing "traitor" and "dog of Japan," Kan was shed to false rumor of "Japan's nationals".

After all, "I is China nationals, a true patriot of" Kan with the net media ring and ball net on the next September
It was decided to announce an apology comment.

August last year, "People's Daily is Diaoyu Islands in the past also Lin 凡女 history of Guangdong Ying Jie Electronic Technology crackdown Vice President is
When the flow in the China version Twitter "fine Hiroshi" and "he has written an article that you admit that it was something of Japan, the next day
Statement of all of Ms. Lin is removed, dangerous writing of "kill" there were numerous on the net.
Ms. Lin was just pointing out a fact, but it is to kill the speaker together with ALL the "inconvenient fact" in China
It seems a matter of course.

24 issue May 2013 Weekly Post







 歴史をひも解いたら、いろいろな戦争で、勝った側が負けた側の方をレイプするという事実は山ほどある。そういうのを抑えていくためには、一定の慰安婦みたいな制度が必要だったということも厳然たる事実だと思う。 (2013/05/13-21:00)

"East Sea" is a product of delusion of Korea

There is only sea does not exist "Sea of ​​Japan" is sea everyone in the world of "East Sea"! !

■ I referred to as the "Sea of ​​Japan" U.S. Navy, the Nimitz training area

The 13th, the U.S. Navy 7th Fleet headquarters is an English press release, which is referred to as "Sea of ​​Japan" and (Sea of ​​Japan) Tokai
And sent to our troops, received a stern look.

The 13th, officials military seventh, the English-language press release entitled "The U.S. Navy would begin training on the Korean peninsula
Fleet sent me today, but I made it clear Tokai and "had been referred to as the" Sea of ​​Japan "in this press release.

In the press release, "Today, Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group has started the training and day-to-day Korea Navy Sea of ​​Japan"
It is referred to as.

The press release of the 7th Fleet, which is referred to as the "Sea of ​​Japan", the format is different to that sent to our forces, but the United States
It was also published on the official Internet site of the 7th Fleet and Navy.

That it was expressed in the "Sea of ​​Japan" the East Sea to press release of official U.S. military authorities while the joint training with South Korea,
Pointed out that,'s act of ignoring the feelings of the Korean people have come up.

The military personnel, "the U.S. military has been referred to as the" Sea of ​​Japan "in the East Sea of ​​official military map, some opportunities our forces
And "We are not the acceptance of those that require corrective every time.

Another party is, Waka did so with. Mistakes was surprised to receive a press release that "The U.S. Navy has been sent
I pointed out that no et al., "Said act does not take into account the feelings of the Korean people, not only our forces.

In relation to this, CFC Department, U.S. military officials, a press release that "The U.S. Navy has sent the Japanese side.
The "We are to understand that it is a thing that sent in reference to South Korea army.

Maritime training King Sejong of our naval and aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (such as 7,600 ton class) participated in a two-day schedule
In I began with south sea of ​​North Gyeongsang Province Pohang from today.

▽ Source: Yonhap News (Korean) (can not be after 17:35)




多文化共生社会のあり方について考える「あーすフェスタかながわ2013」が11、12の両日、 横浜市栄区の地球市民かながわプラザで開かれた。

「皆さんにとって自分らしさって何ですか」。フォーラムでは、フェスタの意義を一人の女性が問い掛けた。 コンサートや展示を通じ、さまざまな文化がにぎやかに紹介された会場。


 転機は13年前、第1回のフェスタの企画だった。当時中学1年生。日系ブラジル人の母国語教室を見学し、 「民族を大事にしている人が自分以外にいた。マイナスにしか思えなかったルーツと学校が誇らしいものに思えた」。




Korean spokesman rape incidents and time series

[Korean spokesman rape incidents and time series]
The plan of the rape (20 years old) female intern another Yun Chang Heavy (Yoon Chang-jung) spokesman, in the early hours of the 7th New York
Reviews you call on the grounds ※ ventilation system failure can not be rape interns away
(Insert attempted?) To call the hotel different from the accommodation Yun Chang Heavy spokesman planned to rape again 9:30 pm on the 7th, (Korean-American, college student 21 years of age) the intern in Washington, start the rape ※ The part that has been reported as "sexual harassment" in Japan
Intern that was called for in heavy spokesman Akira 00 minutes 10:00 pm the 7th (21-year-old college student), I run away from the room
(With witnesses) drunk state spokesman was back to the hotel accommodation of 5:00 am on the 8th
I call to the room again in rape purpose, interns (inserted attempted?) Fled Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman 7:00 am, in the middle of a rape (21-year-old college student) - 6:00 am on the 8th
Spokesman (the part that is exposed as a testimony of college student) (one order or pants) naked, request to college student sexual relationship
※ Description apprentice had come to where he was taking a shower Yoon Chang weight, (Newsletter)
※ It is the heart of rape cases that are reported outside of Japan
U.S. President Wa Dae official discovery intern (college student 21 years of age) from that Nakiharashi at 8:00 am event headquarters on the 8th,
Friend of this college student reported to the police.
※ What was crying because (how far was raped in-Akira weight, presence or absence of insertion)
Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman 8:00 am 8th breakfast meeting with Park Geun
Are asked spokesman from the U.S. President's Office officials who knew the rape incident, Park Geun-hye is in contact with the press secretary
※ Park Geun escape is involved? Core of which are said to. Yoon Chang weight stated to be involved
Return to the hotel in a hurry, Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman 9:00 am 8th leave the hotel to pack up
※ described as "to return home because his wife a sudden illness" initially leaving the majority of the other clothes
Two police officers of sexual crimes expert (escape after Yoon Chang weight) morning the 8th were dispatched, arriving in accommodation hotel of rape suspects, but Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman could not be found in the escape already.
I hear the situation (college student, 21 years) from intern to a victim.
Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman Airport arrival 9:50 am on the 8th, fled toward South Korea to purchase a $ 3,869 Korean Air business seat tickets for the 1:35 pm credit card personal
U.S. State Department requested a formal investigation cooperation against Yoon Chang Heavy spokesman for the rape suspect 4:00 pm on the 8th.















黒田 孝高(くろだ よしたか) / 黒田 如水(くろだ じょすい)は、戦国時代から江戸時代前期にかけての武将・大名。孝高は諱で、通称の官兵衛(かんべえ)や出家後の如水の号で有名である。豊臣秀吉の側近として仕え、調略や他大名との交渉などに活躍した。竹中重治(半兵衛)と双璧をなす秀吉の参謀であり、後世に「両兵衛」「二兵衛」と称された。キリシタン大名でもあった。子に黒田長政がいる。












 「大唐、南蛮、高麗え日本仁(日本人)を売遣候事曲事(くせごと = 犯罪)。付(つけたり)、日本におゐて人之売買停止之事。 右之条々、堅く停止せられおはんぬ、若違犯之族之あらば、忽厳科に処せらるべき者也。」(伊勢神宮文庫所蔵「御朱印師職古格」)

 日本人を奴隷として輸出する動きは、ポルトガル人がはじめて種子島に漂着した1540年代の終わり頃から早くもはじまったと考えられている。16世紀の後半には、ポルトガル本国や南米アルゼンチンにまでも日本人は送られるようになり、1582年(天正10年)ローマに派遣された有名な少年使節団の一行も、世界各地で多数の日本人が奴隷の身分に置かれている事実を目撃して驚愕している。「我が旅行の先々で、売られて奴隷の境涯に落ちた日本人を親しく見たときには、 こんな安い値で小家畜か駄獣かの様に(同胞の日本人を)手放す我が民族への激しい念に燃え立たざるを得なかった。」「全くだ。実際、我が民族中のあれほど多数の男女やら童男・童女が、世界中のあれほど様々な地域へあんなに安い値でさらっていって売りさばかれ、みじめな賤業に就くのを見て、憐 憫の情を催さない者があろうか。」といったやりとりが、使節団の会話録に残されている。この時期、黄海、インド洋航路に加えて、マニラとアカプルコを結ぶ太平洋の定期航路も、1560年代頃から奴隷貿易航路になっていたことが考えられる。



Vietnam War, South Korea rape, I do as much of the devil of slaughter

Hundreds of thousands of people also raped hundreds of thousands of people also also forced taking,, South Korea army was to "comfort women" as sex slaves Korean soldier in the Vietnam War.
The thing of children of mixed race who was born between the (women raped or) Vietnam comfort women and Korean soldiers as "Raitaihan".
The meaning of "two or more races scummy" and "Rye", Vietnam Yomide "Korea (South Korea)" of, has been discrimination as "children of Nikuki enemy" is "Most" in Vietnamese.

Raitaihan climb to 30 005 thousand people.
Is angry Korea Japan also was to comfort women and Korean women, are required to apology and compensation, but not the children like Raitaihan.

Background that resulted in 30 005 thousand people are also born Raitaihan.

"Vietnam War" (1960-1973)
South Korea military fought as mercenaries in the United States than in 1965, South Korean military troops 50 000 people maximum (total of 31 million people).
Genocide to the good civilians by South Korean troops marked.
About 82% of the mass slaughter of civilians, more than 300,000 by the South Korean military.

Number of rape and assault of women each, brutality by South Korea military or many, of massacres and torture by the South Korean military was reported every day by broadcasting of South Vietnam Liberation Front nation.
Most of the brutality of the Korean military than for elderly, women and children, after a collection in one place (elderly, women, children) the inhabitants, or in the shooting spree machine guns together in several groups eliminate.

1, after the shooting spree a gun to hunt down one door to the inhabitants, deaths and survivors also burn all along with the house.
2, shot dead by punching the head of the children who have gathered handing out candy.
3, if you turn off your feet or break the child's head, decapitated, and throw on the fire by cutting a limb.
4, to blow by dropping a grenade from Teue dropped to well women and children.
5, it is rape if you look at the woman, young women used as comfort women by force as it is taken.
With killing six women, other, pregnant women in the military boots stomp the fetus until torn from belly.
The choking death peppered the poison gas to hunt down the tunnel 7, the inhabitants.

1200 people "Taivu~in massacre" victims (1966.2.12 ~ 3.17)
South Korean troops massacred at least 1,200 citizens in Vietnam bottle Dinh.

380 victims "massacre of the Great" (1966.2.26)
Slaughter every last one within one hour and collect the 380 residents Korea capital army mechanized infantry division who visited the village of Great Bin'an village (fierce tiger force).

135 victims "massacre of Hami" (1966.2.25)
There was also a village massacre a woman, aged and children, were all killed Korea Blue Dragon troops.
You can add vinegar Ageki simultaneously collected in the village square, killing method threw a grenade.

79 victims "massacre of Fon'nyi-Fon'nyatto" (1968.2.12)
79 people unarmed civilians were massacred by the Republic of Korea (Blue Dragon Division).
In fact men of this village was a soldier of the U.S. military side to support the U.S. military.
South Korea military found no fire, was repeated further slaughter.

Massacre of civilians by military Korea! More than 300,000 victims!
U.S. military condemned the brutality of Korea army, South Korea military to thoughtless words "Viet Cong was so garbled to ally wearing a military uniform of Korea army, efforts were made to a conspiracy to distinguish enemy-ally have no idea" or was the excuse, but the U.S. military reported to the U.S. Congress that it was the brutality of the Korean army in the report of the image.

Was worked out atrocities in the "Vietnam War is not the only U.S. military. Killed Mugotarashiku Korea army was allies of the United States gathered in November 1966, the 430 farmers in this Binhoa ​​village. What is this It is one of the massacre was also time "

Story of survivors
"Were also pregnant women of 21 people in the. Victims were also one that uses. Machine gun began throwing hand grenades and shooting soldier"

He was hiding. Still screams of the victims were heard. That day, he was lost relatives most.

"After you. Killing niece were killed and nephew of one-five parents, wife, son, sister, was killed a buffalo and cattle of 100 head and set fire to the house of all"

Of the survivors, only eight are still alive. He has a bad impression to Koreans now.

". Villagers could not understand why so cruel they are afraid of the Korean"

Koreans brutality than Americans?

"That's right"


Have vowed to built a stone monument with "! Forget absolutely resentment and brutality to the majority of (South Korea)" in each village in Vietnam.
(Village massacre occurred) Hanmi National Museum
Pictures of civilian massacre by massacre, South Korea army of civilians by landing landscape-Korean Korean army exhibition.
Memorial carved the name of the people who were massacred by the army Korea.

Vietnam to request an apology to South Korea in the summit!
Action you can take as well as intimidation, "those who do not want to talk about it is good" and

35,000 women-Raitaihan hundreds of thousands of people who more than 300,000-rape slaughtered.
The South Korean government apology of the possibility of such damages, or damages also not against them! (Professed in the newspaper)
On the contrary Korea, put out advertising "Vietnam woman! Not run away" and was labeled as "human trafficking nation" from the United Nations!


Was forcibly taken from the comfort women ... the Korean Peninsula? ?
Heck no! I was looking out the classified ads for "military" comfort women in the newspaper properly!
I could not bring comfort women not to apply themselves!
"Comfort women of the Japanese army," "comfort women across the river after the soldier"
Comfort women of the Japanese military prostitution suppliers of Korean system.
Is it people who this was forced taken? It is quite fun.
Comfort women issue Forging of Korea!
It was Park in fraud and theft for stealing the comfort women fund-raising!
Why Do not touch this fact ...?

In Japan it is not the "Raitaihan!"
That 'would be the proof.
Force the first place taken, sex slaves say South Korea, there is no such fact.
South Korea If you seek compensation and apology for Japan in the comfort women issue, South Korea white apology and compensation to Vietnam ahead first!
The white apology and compensation to recognize the people who are called "Raitaihan!"

I pray for the souls of those who died in the Vietnam War.

(The popular model of Vietnam is the second half of the video)


Rape is commonplace in South Korea

Rape is commonplace in South Korea

After imprisonment by attracting to his house the women in their 20s in the dating of Incheon = [New] sheath Ham San Juan press = Internet,
After and 50 times too much sex assault threatened with weapon, 30s man with marriage to ward office was arrested by the police.

The 12th, police station of Incheon threatened weapon with sex assault by attracting to his house the woman to trick and to employment,
We plan to apply for an arrest warrant on suspicion of such violation of law on punishment and acts of violence (33) A, who made a marriage by threatening and would sell the red-light district.

The 11th last month, A's and then attracted to the house of their own after the Incheon met (26) Mr. B through a dating site on the Internet, and let the job According to the police
May "sell the red-light district if you do not listen to me. Because you know the address of your family, to rape to sister" after threatened,
Has received the alleged sexual assault over the 50 times until recently.

In addition, after the 18th last month, was threatened with a weapon Mr. B, "You're my woman now. JOIN marriage" beaten while referred to as the A's
Has received a doubt that the marriage to go to visit the ward office by threat in weapon.

Could not stand to such intimidation and violence continued in the 1st, B's, put a preservative of drinking water,
An attempt was made to de-from the terrible life like nightmare to eat but the A's, A's and to have suffered injury from Mr. B rather,
The death has requested a 60 million won out of court nominal money but to have suffered injury to the local Corps district is rejected, it was declared the B's.

Researching the declaration contents of the A's, police revealed the tragic incident like this.

Findings of police, A Mr. has been serving time in six months jail a year and leave 2009 profit attraction,
It was found that it was serving time in jail 10 times, such as violation of the law on rape and robbery punishment law on the protection of youth, such as violence.

Mr. B, was reported after graduating from college, while getting ready for the civil service examination, the employment of Mr. A temptation, to have been something like this.

Source (Korean)

The strawman sockpuppet by Koreans in Japan, hate speech Puropaganta

Demonstration to criticize Japan Korean people in violent words "massacre" or "exile" have been repeated in Korean Town, such as Tokyo and Shin-Okubo. We regard "hate speech (hate expression)" and claims that promotes discrimination, in some countries crack down to overseas.
In addition there is a movement to seek the regulation as "beyond the scope of freedom of speech" is also in Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and to answer as "regrettable extremely" in the National Assembly, an accusing voice is growing.

Japan claims the Koreans exclusion "Citizens not to permit privileges in Japan (current Special Account)" to lead the demonstration, etc..
Demonstration to open in Osaka and Shin-Okubo Tsuruhashi cry "enemy, South Korea cockroach," "Koreans and kill all" or, it is increasingly radical is in the last few years.

People to protest "discrimination against" and "get along" is also often by the roadside, but some retaliated with "Kill the segregationist"
Situation to be in conflict with the brink protesters also going on.

Current Special Account side, rebuttal "anti-Japanese demonstrations of more severe overseas" he said in the motion seeking the regulation or protest. "The radical expression means to attract attention.
The number of members increased to 13,000 people "said the results, to consider the" review, but I feel that to keep up the voice of the individual and "not.

[Jiji Press]